Flowers & Wine

The last couple of weeks have been hard...having an international business means that YOUR evening meal is someone else's start of the day. Also...we offer a 24/7 I am really used to it...but with staff on has meant that many meals had to be 're-heated'. Thank heaven for the microwave! Wines have been opened...note-pad be honest...I just wanted to relax and enjoy...and view the flowers in our garden. are some of the 'Blumen'...along with the wines. No notes, no marks...maybe just a comment or two.
The two Prager's GV and Riesling...both 2004...both Smaragd...were , as always, very well made.
Salwey Weissherbst...won prizes...but I am not a Rosé man! Maybe the reason I never went for red-headed girls in my youth. Light or dark....nothing in between.
The Pittnauer 2001 was another Ebay success....aged Austrian reds are starting to interest me.
The Knoll 2006 was light and fluffy...and improved with airing.
The Knoll 2001...was over the hill...deep gold and straining to failed.
The Schwörer wines...are not my style of Spätburgunder.
Schneider's Parzelle 2006 is just starting to become more rounded.
The 'simple' Heinrich Männle was more than that.

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