Blank City @ IFC « Love Lee Diary

I found Blank City, a documentary film on the No Wave scene to be very inspiring.  First-time French director Celine Danhier spoke with us very briefly before the film started about her inspiration and her fascination with New York.  She was preaching to my choir.  Before moving here, I too had huge dreams and ideas on what New York City was all about and how it would impact me.  She came here from Paris and made her work and ideas come to life.  Good for her.

Seeing how artists made work with no money, no expectations, and sometimes no scripts was fantastic.  It made me want to go out and immediately start shooting a full length.  My brain is still buzzing from the history and possibility.  There are still spots in my neighborhood that look like late 1970′s early 1980′s New York.   It's like living in a time capsule.  I think it might have been Lydia Lunch that stated that she was living in a war zone.  Some parts are still a war zone.  I can't believe I am lucky enough to live here.   The frenetic energy and the ability to make something out of nothing when you are broke, down and out, and at your wits end is real. We move fast and we make shit happen.  New York is beautifully ugly, incredibly difficult to live here at times, and can be unbelievably frustrating.  The freedom and liberation to create and grow surpasses all of the challenges faced.  This film is a great reminder as to why I came here in the first place.  God,  I love this city.  Almost 3 years in, and I can still see a blank canvas.



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