Théophile Robert

Théophile Robert, Lady in Black Dress, 1926

Théophile Robert (1879-1954) was born in Ried-sur-Bienne, Switzerland.  Between 1900 and 1907 he studied painting in Paris in various private art schools. After his studies Robert moved to Berlin where he stayed until 1909. He then returned to Switzerland, created his own studio in Saint Blaise near Neuchâtel and befriended Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, the future Le Corbusier. Between 1909 and 1918 Robert participated in many expositions.

Théophile Robert, After the Bath, 1921

In 1918, after the end of the war, Robert moved to Paris where he shared a studio with Le Corbusier and Ozenfant. On the basis of an advantageous contract with the gallery Druet, Robert could regularly exhibit his work in Paris and abroad. His success culminated in 1925 with ten exhibits worldwide. 

Théophile Robert, Danaïdes, 1928
In 1929 Robert returned to Saint Blaise. His work now became more and more religious, and he received numerous commissions to decorate churches. Théophile Robert died in Neuchâtel in 1954. The same year, the "Salle Théophile Robert" in the Fine Arts Museum of Neuchâtel was inaugurated where many of his works are on permanent display.

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