Pineapple Carrot Cake - Ananas Karotten Kuchen

this is one of my favorit cakes of all times - i have tried many variations and this is a very nice and balanced version of a good carrot cake. I sometimes make 12 cupcakes out of the batter aswell. This cake is really something - i make it for many family get togethers or birthday's... This recipe comes from the internet but i have no idea where i got it from  - sorry.... Enjoy Alissa

Carrot Cake History

Carrot cake is a confectionery conundrum: it seems you either love it, or you hate it. But either way, theres no denying the appeal of this rich dessert throughout history. Food historians tell us that the origins of carrot cake were likely a type of carrot pudding enjoyed during medieval times. Later, during the Middle Ages, sweetening agents were hard to come by in Britain and quite expensive, so as a result, carrots were often used in place of sweeteners. Interestingly, despite being such a longstanding mainstay in Europe, American cookbooks didnt start listing carrot cake recipes until the early 1900s. And, it was actually in the 1960s before carrot cake began becoming a more common cake in the United States, soon becoming the dessert of choice at summer family reunions picnics and Mothers Day celebrations.

Most all carrot cake recipes have a core group of ingredients in common, which are flour, sugar, spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, salt), baking soda/powder, butter or oil, nuts, and of course carrots. More adventurous bakers have branched out to embrace some rather exotic carrot cake recipes, which feature such ingredients as:
• Pumpkin
• Coconut
• Pureed figs or prunes
• Chocolate chips
• Oranges
• Zucchini
• Crystallized ginger
• Beetroot
• Mashed sweet potatoes
• Papaya

In terms of carrot cake frostings, some people still prefer their carrot cake plain, although you will still see a lot of recipes for the traditional cream-cheese frosting. However, other carrot cake toppings that are delicious can be fondant icing (like on a wedding cake), Greek yogurt, lightly sweetened, buttermilk glaze with a zest of lemon, Royal icing, and chocolate icing.

Carrot cakes have become such a popular treat that there are many bakeries cropping up in America that specialize in making this vegetable-filled creation. As a result of this popularity, there are many carrot cake experts out there who are sharing their tidbits and secrets for making the very best kinds of carrot cakes. A sampling of those secrets includes:

• The amount of carrots you put into a carrot cake recipe will affect both the texture and taste of the cake.
• Using pureed carrots as opposed to shredding raw carrots will give your carrot cake a much more moist consistency.
• Use oil instead of butter - it will be MUCH moister than if you used butter.
• Use the zest of one orange in the batter for a zippier consistency.
These days, carrot cake-flavored treats come in such varieties as carrot cake latte, carrot cake ice cream, and even carrot cake flavored treats for dogs! Clearly carrot cakes whether made healthy with low fat ingredients, or made gooey with lots of rich ingredients are a crown jewel in the cake family that can finish off any meal in royal style!


Pineapple Carrot Cake
3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour (i use spelt)
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tbsp baking soda
1 Tbsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cups olive oil or vegetable oil
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups shelled walnuts, chopped (more whole or chopped for topping)
1 1/2 cups sweetened, shredded coconut
2 cups of finely grated carrots
1 cup of drained crushed pineapple

8 oz cream cheese, at room temperature
6 Tbsp unsalted butter, room temp
2 1/2 cups of confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 Tbsp lemon juice

Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter two 9 inch cake pans. Cut out rounds of wax paper and place at bottoms of cake pans. Butter the top of the wax paper rounds.

Sift dry ingredients into a bowl. Add oil, eggs, and vanilla. Beat well. Fold in chopped walnuts, coconut, carrots and pineapple.

Pour batter into pans. Set on the middle rack of oven and bake for 45-50 minutes (shift positions of cakes front-to-back if necessary about halfway through), until edges have pulled away from sides and a toothpick or sharp knife tip inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool on a cake rack.

To prepare frosting, cream together the cream cheese and butter in a mixing bowl. Slowly sift in the confectioners sugar and beat until mixture is free of lumps. Stir in vanilla and lemon juice.

Once cakes have cooled, frost. Sprinkle top with chopped walnuts or arrange walnut halves in a crown around the top.

Serves 12-16.


hier ein Rezept meines Lieblingskarottenkuchens. Über die Jahre habe ich so viele Versionen ausprobiert - in amerikanischen Kochbüchern gibt es ja eine unendliche Vielfalt dieses beliebten Kuchens! Er ist auch ein typisches Dessert. In den USA und Kanada wird oftmals ein Kuchen einem cremigen Dessert vorgezogen. Ich wünsche euch viel Spass damit - er ist unglaublich saftig und würzig und nicht so süß - besonders wenn man die Creme wegläßt!

Ananas Karotten Kuchen

3 Tassen Mehl (ich verwende Dinkel)
2 Tassen Zucker
1 TL Salz
1 EL Natron

1 EL Zimt ( ich verwende Saigon)
1 1/2 Tassen Olivenöl oder Pflanzenöl
4 große Eier, leicht verquirlt
1 EL Vanille
1 1/2 Tasse gehackte Walnüsse
1 1/2 Tasse gesüßte Kokosraspeln oder normale Kokosraspeln
2 Tassen Karotten, fein gerieben
1 Tasse Ananasstückchen aus der Dose, abgetropft (keine frische Ananas das macht den Kuchen bitter)

1 Packung Frischkäse, zimmertemperatur
6 EL Butter, zimmertemepratur
2 1/2 Tassen Puderzucker
1 TL Vanilleextrakt
2 EL Zitronensaft

Den Backofen auf 170°vorheizen. Eine Springform aus fetten oder mit Backpapier auslegen.

Die trockenen Zutaten in einer Schüssel vermischen. In der anderen Schüssel die nassen Zutaten vermischen mit der Ananas, Karotte und Kokosnus. Zusammen mischen und in die Backform geben und 45 Min backen. Komplett auskühlen lassen

Für die Glasur alle Zutaten zu einer ebenmäßigen kmpenfreien Masse mixen und auf den Kuchen verteilen

Eventuell mit kandierten Orangenschale und Nüssen dekorieren oder Marzipan Möhren.
Den Kuchen dekoriert kühl aufbewahren. Man kann den Kuchen auch vorbacken und am Tag des Verzehrs dekorieren !

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