An 'Early' Burgunder

Stodden Recher Herrenberg Frühburgunder 2006
Ahr, Germany
The photo you see was of the first bottle I opened...which was corked. The merchant was imformed..and another bottle followed 'tout suite'. Now...Stodden and myself havn't really hit it off yet....those I tried young were that..too young...and older ones are not readily available.
This was recommended to me....a Frühburgunder..which to nearly everyone..when tasted just like BIG brother Herr Spät! This spends 16 months in new small oak barrels...the first impression is of wild strawberries...a fruity spiciness follows..even peppery..good juice..this is very French in style..south Burgundy springs to mind.....grainy easy tannins...dried smoke...plums...petals...and while easy to drink...a couple of years will do it good. The rest tasted next day had held up well..and showed a pleasant taste of cooked red berries.
Points 17

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