Two Pegasai?

The Donaldson family were one of the pioneers of this very special area just one hour’s car ride north of Christchurch. The area comprises a narrow valley protected on the east and west by mountain ranges. The soils are a mix of clay, limestone, glacial deposits and gravels.
Pegasus Bay Pinot Noir 2006
Waipara, New Zealand
Popped the cork...nope...I am lying....screwcap here...and an instant aroma of raspberries...developed a mix of wood fruits..more blackberry as it evolved...really enticing. Very well-balanced on the palate...with grainy tannins..and a delicious juicy flavour. I have been waiting to be impressed by a red wine from New Zealand..and this certainly does. The Waipara area is said to be the next one to watch.
Next day...the wine had another had deepened..showing a 'dark' side...more Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde..but in this case...both sides were appealing.
Points 17.75

Next day....another Pegasus
Pegasus Bay Sauvignon Semillon 2006
Waipara, New Zealand
My first taste of Sauvignon Blanc was a Sancerre..years and years the 70's Then up popped the New World..and a whole host of wines from Marlborough were on the market...and I remember how Cloudy Bay was hyped. Styles were so varied..but most were like sucking a gooseberry or drinking a glass of cat's pee....this precarious road...I decided not to travel for a while....and found my heaven in Italy or France. A recent tasting in England gave the Pinot Noir 5 Stars..which I can identify with..but also this mix had been awarded the same...
Quite full...matchstick/gunfire..some spices, lychees..and a layed-back amount of pussy's liquid..which is fine by me.
I tried this with some Sushi & Sushimi..a few of which were spicy..and the wine contrasted perfectly. I am not going to rate this as highly..but it's a well-made gooseberry!
Points 16.5

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