Half The Price, Twice The Fun

A bright start..a bouquet to my wife for Valentine's day....She has had a virus..and methinks I am getting it as well. Better drink something before it's too late.

After the disappointment of the Huber I decided on a basic Spätburgunder from my 'Grower of the Year'..Adeneuer.

J.J.Adeneuer Spätburgunder trocken 2006
Ahr, Germany
Old fashioned colour...how Pinot used to look like..wine with bite..simple and clear fruit..good body..'I am what I am'...it is saying..no pretentions...a great barbecue wine that will please beginners and affectionados alike.

Half the price (Huber cost 18 Euros)..twice the fun!!!

Points 15.5

See you after the virus has gone.

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