Lel Palfrey - Keep It Deep Guest Mix

Unermesslich und nahezu unbegreiflich, dass heute bereits wieder Freitag ist. Stand ich vor genau einer Woche noch in der von kontinentalklimatischen Einflüssen geprägten Kälte der bundesdeutschen Hauptstadt, sitze ich heute wieder in der vertrauten Umgebung der beschaulichen Breisgaumetropole, in der ein überaus glückliches - zumindest jedoch selbstzufriedenes - und friedliches Völkchen sich seit gestern auf die (schwäbisch-alemannische) Fasnet bei schunkeliger Guggemusik, beispielsweise von den Eckepfätzer, einstimmt. Wem's gefällt. Ich für meinen Teil werde hingegen einen grossen Bogen um jedweden Fasnetsumzug machen, zur Not schliesse ich mich in meinen vier Wänden ein. Mit Reis, Nudeln und Kartoffeln sollte ich es bis weit in die nächste Woche schaffen. Hauptsache gute Musik, und für die sorgt heute ein leidenschaftlicher Plattensammler aus der schottischen Festivalstadt und Kunstmetropole Edinburgh, Lel Palfrey. Er wird sich zunächst ein wenig selbst vorstellen, und dann kommt - wie gehabt - der Mix. Viel Spass damit!

1. Dear Lel, would you like to introduce yourself?

I'm a record collector and Digital Designer, currently lliving in Edinburgh, Scotland. I've done a nice mix with said records, really enjoyed doing this. I've kept the tempo at slowburn pace.

2. When did your initial music spark ignite?

My brother is a dj and used to play a lot of high energy music in the early 80's and at the same time I used to go and visit my father in Ipswich, England - the place was full of breakdancers, electro and jazz funk music - that's when my spark ignited.

3. Who and what is your most important influence?

There's too many to mention, but i will say that there's a lot of inspirational characters right here in Edinburgh involved in music & media, I suppose that anyone who enjoys what they do has an influence on me.

4. How would you describe your own style?

The blend, always the blend :)

5. Do you also produce your own tracks?

I have an MPC2000XL and a couple of synths and have done a few edits (haven't we all), no tracks though, yet....

6. What are you currently working on (tunes, clubnight,...)?

My mate and i are working on a new party, there's a lot of talented people we want to collaborate with, currently working on the brand marque - we'll see what happens.

7. What are your future plans?

DJ, Design and have fun doing what I love doing, with people I love being with :)

Und hier ist der Mix:

Lel Palfrey - Keep It Deep Guest Mix by keep-it-deep


Cole Medina - KC, It's Really You - [House Arrest]
Asha Puthli - Space Talk - [Super Value Edits 5]
6th bourough - McLovin - [Permanent Vacation]
Riccio / LTJ- The Sun Healer - [Hidden History]
Soultourist - Side Dish - [Drumpoet Community]
It's a small world disco - Love(LTJ edit) - [Small World Disco Edits]
LTJ Experience - On the floor - [Irma]
It's a small world disco - Cry(LTJ edit) - [Small World Disco Edits]
Mark E - Codsall Juniors - [Endless Flight]
SE62 - Wall Ride (Eddie C rmx) - [Hometaping]
Cottam 1 - Track 2 - [Cottam]
Cottam 2 - Track 1 - [Cottam]
Riccio - Don't Stop - [Hidden History ]
Duff Disco - Red Hot (edit) - [Duff Disco]
LTJ Experience - I love you - [Irma]
Eddie C - One with the stars - [Sleazy Beats]
Social Disco Club - Downtown)v2) - [Hands of Time Gold]
BE - I wanna be with you - [Wolf Music]

Mehr im Web:

Lel Palfrey
Lel Palfrey @ Soundcloud

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