Mario Teguh Twitter cases would be hot news next few days. If yesterday rang with Marsya Saphira twitter.This time Mario Teguh's twitter: "Women Smokers Not Eligible to marry" in the account twitternya twitter.com / MarioTeguhMTGW which is currently closed to the public invited many reactions. A statement posted on twitter account owner's real name is Sis Maryono Teguh cash cause pros cons.
Actually Twitter Mario Teguh statement which was not a "Women Smokers Not Eligible to marry" but "Women's Health Planned So Impossible Wife". But the growing issue of Women Smokers Not even worthy of marriage.
Here klarisifikasi closure MarioTeguhMTGW twitter account:
Mario Teguh Business Manager Publishing House, Adi confirmed Prakoso indicate if Mario Teguh never mentions 'women smokers do not deserve to marry'. The correct quote is 'not possible to be a wife planned'.
"Mr. Mario was never called women smokers do not deserve to marry. He called the 'can not be planned to be a wife'. Actually the sentence like that, "
"We never mention the words 'not feasible', but 'can not be planned'. If you could change the plan, "
Adi himself added that the sentence on twitter motivation is created for the Open Forum discussion. But, since because of the many people who respond and cite the status of Mario Teguh is not complete, then the error finally understanding can not be avoided.
"So Saturday (20 / 2) yesterday Pak Mario Teguh made it to invite and be discussed, because many people who joined in Mario Teguh Open (MTOF) Forum to 6 MTOF,"
"They do not know and do not understand fully what you want delivered by Mr. Mario, so we finally apologized and twitter closed for a while,"
"Every post we will understand there are pros and cons, but we also do not think this could be a big day like this,"
Senior Motivator kalahiran Makasar, March 5, 1956 was itself in a Facebook note Mario Teguh Super Club stated clarification and apology for the misunderstanding caused by a short article about the title of the Open Forum discussion on it.
"Whatever the electoral procedures, drafting, and publishing a post on Twitter, and all public service media via the internet MTSC almost reached 900.000 members worldwide, is entirely the responsibility of my personal and my only."
"We can understand that mistakes can be applied to the interpretation of the topic, especially since the post limited to a maximum of 140 characters, which then can be edit and re-post (retweet) freely, without being faithful to the overall intent of the original post, "
"I took the initiative to submit clarifications and a personal apology from me to my friends who became upset and hurt by the posts in MarioTeguhMTGW Twitter account, on February 20, 2010, at night,"
Facebook Notes Mario Teguh Super Club:
Super Mario fb in his notes, clarify with the title of the article
Clarification CLOSING ACCOUNT MarioTeguhMTGW twitter, as the following:
Indonesia is a super friend, a good heart, and who is building a peaceful life and prosperity, for the beloved family happiness.
With regard to the news about the withdrawal of services MTSuperClub (MTSC) from Twitter, I submit herewith confirm that I hope you do not need to really understand where the concept of our posting diTwitter who has been the subject of several news media.
Actually Twitter Mario Teguh statement which was not a "Women Smokers Not Eligible to marry" but "Women's Health Planned So Impossible Wife". But the growing issue of Women Smokers Not even worthy of marriage.
Here klarisifikasi closure MarioTeguhMTGW twitter account:
Mario Teguh Business Manager Publishing House, Adi confirmed Prakoso indicate if Mario Teguh never mentions 'women smokers do not deserve to marry'. The correct quote is 'not possible to be a wife planned'.
"Mr. Mario was never called women smokers do not deserve to marry. He called the 'can not be planned to be a wife'. Actually the sentence like that, "
"We never mention the words 'not feasible', but 'can not be planned'. If you could change the plan, "
Adi himself added that the sentence on twitter motivation is created for the Open Forum discussion. But, since because of the many people who respond and cite the status of Mario Teguh is not complete, then the error finally understanding can not be avoided.
"So Saturday (20 / 2) yesterday Pak Mario Teguh made it to invite and be discussed, because many people who joined in Mario Teguh Open (MTOF) Forum to 6 MTOF,"
"They do not know and do not understand fully what you want delivered by Mr. Mario, so we finally apologized and twitter closed for a while,"
"Every post we will understand there are pros and cons, but we also do not think this could be a big day like this,"
Senior Motivator kalahiran Makasar, March 5, 1956 was itself in a Facebook note Mario Teguh Super Club stated clarification and apology for the misunderstanding caused by a short article about the title of the Open Forum discussion on it.
"Whatever the electoral procedures, drafting, and publishing a post on Twitter, and all public service media via the internet MTSC almost reached 900.000 members worldwide, is entirely the responsibility of my personal and my only."
"We can understand that mistakes can be applied to the interpretation of the topic, especially since the post limited to a maximum of 140 characters, which then can be edit and re-post (retweet) freely, without being faithful to the overall intent of the original post, "
"I took the initiative to submit clarifications and a personal apology from me to my friends who became upset and hurt by the posts in MarioTeguhMTGW Twitter account, on February 20, 2010, at night,"
Facebook Notes Mario Teguh Super Club:
Super Mario fb in his notes, clarify with the title of the article
Clarification CLOSING ACCOUNT MarioTeguhMTGW twitter, as the following:
Indonesia is a super friend, a good heart, and who is building a peaceful life and prosperity, for the beloved family happiness.
With regard to the news about the withdrawal of services MTSuperClub (MTSC) from Twitter, I submit herewith confirm that I hope you do not need to really understand where the concept of our posting diTwitter who has been the subject of several news media.
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