Pumpkin Cheesecake - Kürbiskäsekuchen

Cherry Blossom's Pumpkin Cheesecake


last weekend - in time for Halloween i made this super moist and creamy cheesecake. I have made it before with great response and can only highly recommend this recipe, cake and the cookbook its from "the Cake Bible" from Rose Levy Beranbaum. A great treasure of tried and true recipes that are easy to follow and a great start for beginners and a good source book for advanced bakers :-)

Back to the cake its not too sweet and the flavour is in the spicy crust and subtle charming pumpkin taste of the cheesecake... it was gone in no time!

If you feel like a easy Fall treat for you and your friends, family or co-workers - this is the ticket!

Sorry to say that this time mine had cracks in the middle  - even though i followed the recipe... but that didn't do anything to the taste :-)



BTW i used a fresh hokkaido pumpkin, cubed and steamed

Rose Levy Beranbaum's Pumpkin Cheesecake With Gingersnap Crust


4-1/4 oz. GF gingersnap cookies (about 17 two-inch cookies), broken into pieces
1 Tbs. granulated sugar
2 pinches table salt
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon (optional)
4 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted


1 cup unsweetened freshly cooked pumpkin purée (or Libby's)
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups heavy cream, chilled
1 lb. cream cheese at room temperature
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks

To garnish: about 24 toasted pecan halves

Preheat the oven to 350°F.

Grease the bottom and sides of a 9x2½-inch or higher springform pan. Wrap the pan in a double-layer of heavy duty aluminum foil (the kind that comes in the 17" width) to keep the cheesecake dry while it bakes in the water bath.

Make the crust:

In a food processor, process the cookies with the pecans, sugar, salt, and cinnamon (if using) until the cookies become fine crumbs, about 20 seconds. Add the melted butter and pulse about 10 times, just until incorporated.

Press the mixture into the base of the prepared pan and partway up the sides. The easiest way to do this is to use a flat-bottomed, glass to press the crumbs over the bottom and then use the back of a spoon to press them into the edges and part-way up the sides of the pan. Keep pressing until you have a thin even layer. Cover the crust with plastic wrap and refrigerate until needed.

Make the filling:

In a small, heavy saucepan, stir the pumpkin purée and sugar together. Over medium heat, bring the mixture to a sputtering simmer, stirring constantly, about 5 min. Turn the heat to low and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture has darkened and thickened to the consistency of applesauce, about 5 min.

Scrape the mixture into a large food processor and process for 1 min. with the feed tube open (so steam can escape), scraping down the sides. With the motor running, add the chilled cream. Add the softened cream cheese and process for 30 seconds or until smoothly incorporated, scraping down the sides two or three times. Add the eggs and yolks and process for about 5 seconds, just until incorporated.

Bake the cheesecake:

Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Set the pan in a larger pan (a 12x2-inch cake pan or a roasting pan) and surround it with 1 inch of very hot water. Check that the oven is at 350°F and bake the cheesecake for 45 min. Turn off the oven without opening the door and let the cheesecake cool for 1 hour. Transfer the cake to a rack (the center will still be jiggly) and cool to room temperature, about 1 hour. Cover the pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 6 hours or overnight. .

Umold, garnish, and slice:

Be sure the cheesecake is thoroughly chilled. Have ready a serving plate and another flat plate or clean plastic cutting board that's at least as wide as the springform and covered in plastic wrap. Wipe a hot, damp cloth around the outside of the ring (or use a hair dryer). Run a metal spatula or a thin knife inside the ring. Release and gently loosen the ring and then lift it off. Set the plate with the plastic wrap on top of the cheesecake and carefully invert the pan. Heat the base of the springform with a hot, damp cloth or hair dryer and lift it off. Set the serving plate lightly on the bottom of the cheesecake (which is now facing up) and reinvert the cake. Lift off the plastic-wrapped plate.

Arrange the pecan halves around the perimeter of the cake. To cut neat slices, use a sharp, thin-bladed knife dipped in hot water (shake off excess drops) between each slice.


die Tage habe ich einen extrem leckeren und cremigen Kürbis-Käsekuchen gebacken - pünklich zu Halloween. Ich habe das Rezept aus dem wunderbaren Backbuch von Levy
Rose Levy Beranbaum's Kürbiskäsekuchen mit  Gingersnap Boden

17 Spekulatius, Gingersnaps (Ikea Pfefferkuchenkekse), zerbröselt
1 EL Zucker
2 Prisen Salz
1/2 TL Zimt, gemahlen (optional)
4 EL Butter, geschmolzen

1 Tasse ungesüßter Kürbisbrei
1 Tasse Zucker
2 Tassen Schlagsahne, gekühlt
500 g Frischkäse, zimmertemperatur
2 große Eier
2 Eigelb

Dekor: Pekannusshälften - optional

Backofen vorheizen 170°C.

Eine Springform ausfetten und fest von unten mit Aluminiumfolie einwickeln - die Springform wird im Wasserbad gebacken und der Kuchen soll trocken bleiben.

In einer Küchenmaschine die Kekse zerbröseln und den Zucker, Salz und Zimt hinzufügen ca. 20 Sekunden. Die geschmolzene Butter hinzufügen nur kurz pulsieren bis es zusamenhält.
Die Mischung auf den Boden der Springform pressen und auch etwas and den Rand hochziehen. Die Backform mit Folie bedecken und im Kühlschrank aufbewahren.

In einem kleinen Topf den Kürbispüree und Zucker hinzufügen und auf mittlerer Hitze köcheln lassen - 5 Min.

Die Mischung abkühlen lassen und dann in die Küchenmaschine geben und Frischkäse dazugeben und verrühren, Eier und Eigelb hinzufügen bis eine ebenmäßige cremige Masse entstanden wird.

Die Füllung auf die vorbereiteten Boden geben. Die Springform auf ein mit heißem Wasser gefülltes Backblech geben und 45 Min backen. Nach 45 Min abschalten und 1 Stunde im geschlossenen Ofen  auskühlen lassen - TÜR NICHT ÖFFNEN. Nun auf ein Küchengitter bringen und mit Folie abdecken und 6 Stunden auskühlen lassen.

Befor wir die Springform öffnen muss der Kuchen ausgekühlt sein, 2 Kuchenplatten bereitstellen und mit einem Messer vorerst in der Springform den Kuchen von der Form trennen - gan vorsichtig einmal rundherumfahren und nun den Ring lösen. Nun die eine Kuchenplatte auf die Käseseite geben und den Kuchen umdrehen das der Boden nach oben zeigt. Nun ein heißes Küchentuch auf den Boden legen und nun vorsichtig abheben. Die andere Kuchenplatte auf den Keksboden geben und den Kuchen erneut vorsichtig umdrehen. In Stücke schneiden und mit einem Kleck Sahne und einer Pecannuss servieren

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