Out Of New York - Some Ride Shots

Durch Zufall eine Dame kennenlernen, die alte Autos liebt und eine stattliche Sammlung ihr Eigen nennt? - Ja, das gibt es. Bei schönem Wetter wird stets die einst neu beim Hädler georderte Corvette StingRay gefahren!

Ein Stück im 66er Mustang Convertible den Highway runter und die Welt ist in Ordnung.

Thanks Chris & Debbie!

Atelier Frühling bitte zeigt wieder Flagge!

Trotz aller Nachahmer von Frühling bitte (leider können sich die Leute nicht selber etwas einfallen lassen!) gibt es doch nur ein Original! Keiner versteht es so gut die Stoffe miteinander zu kombinieren und solch eine Fröhlichkeit mit praktischem Nutzen in ihren Mützen, Schlüsselanhänger, Schnullerketten, Stulpen, Taschen etc. einzubinden. Nach der kreativen Sommer freuen wir uns jetzt auf die Herbst & Winter Ideen.

Und wer nicht vor Ort mal bei

frühling bitte
Deisterstrasse 36 - 38

30449 Hannover

vorbei schauen kann, dem sei geholfen unter: http://www.fruehlingbitte.de/shop0.0.html gibt es den Frühling bitte online shop.

Red Berry Dessert gluten free - Rote Grütze Glutenfrei


here a family recipe for a wonderfuly refreshing berry dessert - you can just about add any edible black, blue or red berry to as as you please... This is a traditional northern european dish  - especially popular in norht Germany, Denmark and Sweden. There are a lot of different recipes and ways to serve this dish ... here is my family recipe that i just twisted to be gluten free. In the original version is made with sago. In respect of my own health and other gluten intolerant members in this family i tried a version with arrowroot powder - works like a charm. You could also use cornstarch or potatostarch or tapioka! In Germany they do also thicken it with ready made vanilla pudding mix.
This really flavorful and teeny weeny bit tart fruit pudding/ sauce is served either with vanilla sauce, ice cream, whipped cream, rice pudding or plain.
Enjoy Alissa

Red Berry Pudding - Red Grits

6 cups fruit (red currant, blueberries, cherries (pitted), raspberries, black currants, black berries) fresh or frozen
1/4 cup water
2 tbsp arrowroot powder (or cornstarch)
1/2 cup sugar
1 shot of brown rum
1 vanilla bean

For fresh berries: stem, wash and dry in collander. For frozen berries: thaw before using.
For a smooth pudding, process berries in a blender, 2 cups at a time, until pureed. For chunkier, process 3 cups, and leave the rest, blending with puree.
Stir arrowroot powder in cold water until smooth.
Combine berries, vanilla and sugar in non-stick saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Stir arrowroot mixture again, then add into the berry mixture gradually, while still stirring.
Reduce heat and let simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly, until mixture starts to thicken. Remove from heat and stir in the rum.
Pour into a serving bowl, or individual dessert bowls. Cover and chill in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Keeps for about 6 days in the fridge. You can freeze it aswell. Enjoy


dies ist ein Familienrezept und eines der Lieblingsfruchtdesserts. Ich habe aus dem traditionellen Rezept eine glutenfreie Version gemacht auf Grund diverser Familienmitgliedern mit einer Glutenunverträglichkeit. Wer lieber das normale Rezept verwenden möchte kann die Pfeilwurzelstärke gegen Sago oder Speisestärke austauschen. Wir hatten lange Jahre ein Ferienhaus in Ostfriesland an der Nordsee und haben im Garten Johannisbeeren und in der Nachbarschaft gab es noch Himbeeren und Kirschen und ich erinnere mich das meine Mutter oft Rote Grütze gekocht hat. Das ar so lecker ganz frisch aus noch sonnenwarmen Beeren. Dazu gabe es frische Sahne direkt vom Bauernhof. Wir hatten immer Glasschalen mit frischer unbehandelter Kuhmilch, die wir in Emaille Kanne vom einem benachtbarten Bauernhof geholt haben, im Kühlschrank und über nacht hatte sich dann immer der Rahm abgesetzt  - hmmm war das lecker besonders auch im friesischen Tee. Wir hatten viel viel Spass in unseren Urlauben mit den Nachbarskindern - wir sind durch die Felder gehüpft und an Ostern gabe es ein großes Feuer... es war einwenig wie in Bullerbü ;-)
Heute noch macht meine Mutter immer mal wieder Rote Grütze aus Früchte aus dem Garten oder vom Markt oder TK. Sie ist sehr lecker und ein Familienfavorit. Wir mögen es gerne it Vanille Sauce, Milchreis, Eiscreme oder einfach mit Schlagsahne oder pur

Viel Spass

Rote Grütze

etwa 1 Kilo rote Früchte (entsteinte Kirschen, Himbeeren, Blaubeeren, Johannisbeeren, Brombeeren) frisch oder gefroren
1/2 Tasse Zucker
1/4 Tasse Wasser
2 EL Pfeilwurzelstärke (Speisestärke oder Kartoffelstärke oder Sago)
einen Schuß braunen Rum
1 Vanilleschote

Die Früchte putzen , entsteinen, wenn gefroren auftauen lassen. Anschliessend die Hälfte pürieren. Das Püree mit den ganzen Früchten in einem schweren Topf mit dem Zucker und der Vanilleschote aufkochen. In einem Schälchen die Pfeilwurzelstärke mit dem Wasser vermischen und langsam in die Fruchtmasse einrühren. Rühren und eindicken lassen. Ich mag meine rote Grütze nicht so dick und fest ich mag sie eher flüssiger. Sobald sie anzieht vom Herd nehmen, Rum einrühren und abkühlen lassen und anschliessend 24 Std im Kühlschrank aufbewahren. Hält sich bis zu 6 Tagen im Kühlschrank. Es läßt sich auhc prima einfrieren



Anang Hermansyah pain was unstoppable against Krisdayanti. Singer songwriter has finally divorced his wife in Islam, four days before the fast. According to the 40-year-old man, all is over. Including the division of property and child custody.

Diva is familiarly called KD's dare mention playing with fire in the back of her husband. In fact, KD introducing another man's dream of his children. "Mimi om take it to the room. We are again on the swim," said Aurelie Nurhermansyah Titania, daughter-KD Anang in Kasak gossip show SCTV, Monday (31 / 8).

Who was the man who turned his attention chanter'm Sorry Good Bye this? Still according to the KD children, he was a wealthy businessman from East Timor. Yuni Shara brother was often called the om aka Amor called love. "Mimi've lied at his cheek," said Aurelie. The testimony of two children was increasingly proving KD if someone Titi DJ and Ruth Sahanaya is having an affair.

It was last month, Anang and two children live in the studio recording KD Productions. While Jackie lived in the house. From exclusive conversation with gossip Kasak SCTV, visible expression of regret and disappointment in the face Anangg. Azriel Akbar Hermansyah dad was trying to cover it up with a wise expression. "Until now, I and the kids try to tough," said Anang
Perhaps, women who have played in several films that did not much care for the feelings of his family. He is now in East Timor for a gig, though it is considered a camouflage by two children. One which would, if left it will backfire that destroyed the lives KD. "I'm mad at Mimi and her friends are insulted her cheek," says Azriel plain.

In April 2003, Krisdayanti rumored to have a relationship with guitarist Tohpati. The news that the first child Krisdayanti, Titania Aurelia Nurhermansyah, a child of the relationship with Ari Sigit appeared in August 2005. In May 2007, Krisdayanti was found having lunch with a businessman in Orchard Road, Singapore. He is also rumored affair with Dicky Wahyudi. Is Krisdayanti select affair than family?


Bunglon band drummer, Andrey Chiling, killed by a car that drove into the 300-meter-deep ravine, Sunday (30/08). This terrible event happened in Jalan Bukit Pakar Timur IV, Village Singagati, RT 2 RW 2, Ciburial Sub-District, District Cimenyan, West Bandung regency.

According to information, this incident also killed one passenger who is a foreign citizen named Jonathan Adam (30). Andrey and Adam died on the spot incident.while,one other passenger seriously injured.

Chiling Andrey's death shocked the music world in air.Andrey land known as one of the top Drummer homeland. Prior to joining Bunglon, he had traveled with some indie bands homeland, one of Flowers.

Andrey career peak as a musician is when he joined the group Jazz band, Bunglon. Since the debut album titled Blue (1999) until now, Andrey remained loyal Bunglon drums. Some single hits ever inscribed with the deceased bunglon group of Cerita lalu, and Dulu.

Andrey also joined wing groups joined in Jazz, Abdul & Coffee Theory. he and Abdul & Monita new Loveabel titled album released in 2008 ago.

Honey works with Abdul & Coffee Theory is his last work. Now the famous drummer in the style of jazz has gone. According to information, Chiling Andrey body was taken directly to the family residence in numbers Cipinang, East Jakarta.

Steak Diane

Steak Diane

According to the food historians, the true history of Steak Diane is a complicated affair. The answer may be one of semantics rather than straight culinary history. Why? There are as many names for this dish as there are recipe variations. One of the closest variations is Steak au Poivre, also sometimes served flambe.

The history of cooking and serving meat with spiced sauces dates back to ancient times. Sauces were employed to tenderize cuts and add flavour. Pepper was highly favored by Ancient Roman and Medieval cooks and figured prominently in many recipes. According to the Larousse Gastonomique, Sauce Diane (Diana...aka Artemis...a powerful mythological huntress) is traditionally associated with venison (a tough meat), which makes it a curious choice for the finest beef cuts that are used today for Steak Diane.

"Diane, a la
The description "a la Diane" is given to certain game dishes that are dedicated to the goddess Diana (the huntress). Joints of venison a la Diane are sauteed and coated with sauce Diane (a highly peppered sauce with cream and truffles). They are served with chestnut puree and croutons spread with game forcemeat."
---Larousse Gastronomique, Competely Revised and Updated edition [Clarkson Potter:New York] 2001 (p. 416)

"Steak Diane was originally a way of serving venison, and its sharp sauce was intended to complement the sweet flavor of deer meat. It was named for Diana, Roman goddess of the hunt, and since Diana was also the moon goddess, the small pieces of toast used to sop up the delicious juices are traditionally cut in crescent shapes."
---Rare Bits: Unusual Origins of Popular Recipes, Patricia Bunning Stevens [Ohio University Press:Athens OH] 1998 (p. 100)

When was Sauce Diane invented? The earliest mention we find of a sauce with this particular name is 1907, from Escoffier:

"Sauce Diane
Lightly whip 2dl of cream and add it at the last moment to 5dl well seasoned and reduced Sauce Poivrade. Finish with 2 tbs each of small crescent shaped pieces of truffle and hard-boiled white of egg. This sauce is suitable for serving with cutlets, noisettes and other cuts of venison."
---Le Guide Culinaire, A. Escoffier, translated by H. L. Cracknell and R. J. Kaufman recipe 44[1907] (p. 12)

So, when and where did Steak Diane begin? None of the culinary history texts or old cookbooks provide a definative answer. Based on culinary evidence this is a possible explanation:

Steak Diane is an evolution of an ancient dish that was *rediscovered* in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by European chefs.
 Evidence suggests Steak Diane is an American invention of the late 1950s/early1960s, when French cooking (think Julia Child - the Kennedy White House menus) was all the rage. Rich wine sauces and flamboyant presentation were the norm for many top restaurants. If Steak Diane is an American recipe, then New York City is the most likely place or origin. Jane Nickerson's article "Steak Worthy of the Name," (New York Times, January 25, 1953 p. SM 32) offers three likely candidates: "The Drake Hotel, the Sherry-Netherland Hotel and the Colony Restaurant each said, not knowing that any other dining place had done so, that their patrons praised their steak Diane. Nino of the Drake claimed he was the first to introduce this dish to New York and, in fact, to the entire United States. Essentially it consists of steak cooked in butter and further seasoned with butter mixed with fresh chives; usually the beef is pounded thin. The chef of each establishment has his own version."

The earliest recipes we find for Steak Diane were printed in Nickerson's article. Craig Claiborne's Steak Diane (New York Times Cookbook [1961]) is not served flambe. Julia Child's The French Chef Cookbook, [1968] contains a recipe for "Steak au Poivre" with optional flambe.

"Steak Diane...I always associated this recipe with New York City's Colony Restaurant because that was where I first tried it. Yet I find no mention of it in "The Colony" [1945], in Brody's portrait of that restaurant. It is featured, however, in Michael Lomonaco's "The 21 Cookbook" [1995] together with this description: "At 21 Steak Diane is traditionally prepared tableside by the captains or Maitre Walter Weiss. The beef, sizzling in a large copper pan with brandy flaming and cause bubbling, makes a wonderful show reminiscent of the days when Humphrey Bogart and friends would bound in at midnight following the newest opening on Broadway..."
---American Century Cookbook: The Most Popular Recipes of the 20th Century, Jean Anderson [Clarkson Potter:New York] 1997 (p. 92)

"He serves stand-bys that the trendy places don't carry. Steak Diane and Bananas Flambe."

Other claims to the origin of Steak Diane (no authentication provided):

"Q: What is Steak Diane, and where did it originate? A: Created at the Copacabana Palace Hotel in Rio de Janiero, individual beef steaks are pounded flat, quickly cooked in butter, and flamed with cognac. The cognac sauce is typically finished with sherry, butter, and chives." --- Minnesota Beef Council

"Rumored to have originated in Belgium during the 1920s, today's recipe has forever left its mark in the minds and pallets of great chefs as one of the most fantastic tales of a meal prepared to change course of unrequited love."

Steak Diane (Colony Restaurant)(1953)

1 to one and one-half tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
Freshly gound black pepper to taste
1/2 to one teaspoon each finely chopped chives and parsley
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Individual steak of any thickness (one pound with bone, eight to ten ounces without bone and fat)
Mix all ingredients except meat in heavy fry pan and when very hot place steak in pan, cooking at very high heat until done. Serve immediately, pouring residue of sauce over meat.
---"Steak Worthy of the Name," Jane Nickerson, The New York Times, January 25, 1953 (p. SM 32)

"Steak Diane, 1 serving (1961)
1 ten-ounce sirloin steak
1 1/2 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon congnac, heated
2 tablespoons sherry
1 tablespoon sweet butter
1 teaspoon chopped chives.

1. Trim the meat well and pound very thin with a mallet.
2. Heat one and one-half tablespoons butter in a chafing-dish platter. Add the steak and cook quickly, turning it once.
3. Add the congnac and flame. Add the sherry and the sweet butter creamed with chives.
4. Place the steak on a warm platter and pour the pan juices over it."

---The New York Times Cook Book, Craig Claiborne [Harper & Row:New York] 1961 (p. 91)
Source: food history site

i am still working on Cheflys and Appy_Girls recipe review collections and stumbled across several revies from Janie on Steak Diane.... I have been eating asian and italian food for the past weeks that i really felt like a big treat and getting a nice steak ... so the steak diane reviews came just in time - i have to admit i never had one. I know this is a very popular dish in the USA and served many ways as you can also see on the food historian article.

So here is the version i used - its very nice - see above picture thats how i made it - i grilled my steaks rare and 2 medium for the family and served it with potato wedges, a sour cream dip and grilled corn on the cob with parsley butter - it was very very good! Next time i will add the mushrooms - today when i opedn the box with the mushrooms they looked funny so i tossed them...better safe then sorry....
Enjoy Alissa

Steak Diane

Recipe from Jill and reviewed by Janie - thank you both this was terrific!!

2(6-oz.)fillet mignons
Pinch of salt and pepper (i used lemon pepper)
2 Tbs shortning or ghee
1 tsp dijon mustard
2 Tbs shallots minced
1 Tbs shortning or ghee
1 Tbs lemon juice
1-1/2 tsp worchestershire sauce
1 Tbs fresh chives, minced
2 Tsp brandy
1 Tbs fresh parsley, minced

Season both sides of the steaks with salt and pepper. Melt the 2 Tbs butter in a heavy skillet. Add the mustard and shallots, saute over Med heat 1 minute. Add the steaks and cook for about 3 minutes on each side for med-rare.Remove the steaks and keep warm. Add 1 Tbs of butter to the pan drippings, along with the lemon juice and worchestershire sauce and chives. Cook for 2 minutes and add the brandy. Pour the sauce over the steaks and sprinkle with parsley. If you like you could thicken the sauce a bit with corn starch or arrowrootflour.
I made my sauce separetly and left out the mushrooms
ich habe in den vergangenen Tage mich durch Berge von Rezepten bzw. Rezeptbewertungen meiner 2 Freundinnen aus dem Amerikanischen Forum gewühlt und einen Thread mit allen ihren besten Bewertungen zusammengestellt und dabei bin ich auf mehrere Versionen des Steak Diane gestossen. Ich persönlich hatte es noch nie gegessen und nur immer wieder in alten amerikanischen Kochbüchern gesehen - es war wohl in den 60'er Jahren sehr populär... besonders wenn es flambiert wurde. Es gehort da einfach zur gehobenen Küche und in jedes bessere Restaurant. Heute erlebt es ein Comback in abgespeckter vereinfachter Form.... Ich habe mich für das Rezept von Jill entschieden. Die Steaks habe ich seperat gegrillt und im Anschluss die Sauce darüber gegeben. Serviert habe ich dazu Kartoffelspalten, Dip dazu, gegrillte Maiskolben mit Butter und einen grünen Salat.

Eventuell gibt es in Deutschland ein ähnliches Rezept... Allerdings kenne ich mich in der deutschen Küche nicht so aus.
Ich finde Steak Diane sehr lecker - die Pilze habe ich bewusst weggelassen da ich die Champignons  heute morgen irgendwie muffig fand und komisch - da bin ich radikal - ich schmeisse das dann weg - ich hatte mal eine Lebensmittelvergiftung - da fackel ich nicht lange...
Probiert es mal aus - oder eine älter Version oder Eure eigene.... oder flambiert es das wöre auch schön... ich traut mich das aber nicht in der Wohnung -lol...
Viel Vergnügen..
LG Alissa

Steak Diane

2(6-oz.)Fillet Mignons (ich habe Rumpsteaks verwendet - habe nichts anderes bekommen)
Etwas Salz und Pfeffer (ich habe Lemon Pepper verwendet)
2 EL Butterschmalz oder Ghee
1 TL Dijon Senf
2 EL Schalotten, feingehackt
1 EL Butterschmalz oder Ghee
1 EL Zitronensaft
1-1/2 TL Worchestershire sauce
1 EL Schnittlauch, frisch gehackt
2 EL Brandy
1 EL glatte Petersilie, fein gehackt

Das Steak auf beiden Seiten mit Salz udn Lemon Pepper einmassieren. In einer schweren Pfanne Butterschmalz erhitzen. Den Senf hinzufügen und die Schalotten und 1 Min köcheln lassen. Das Steak hinzufügen und auf jeder Seite 3 Min garen. (med-rare). Die Steaks aus der Pfanne nehmen und warm halten. In die Pfanne 1 EL Ghee geben und mit den Bratresten in der Pfanne verrühren, den Zitronensaft, Worshestershire Sauce und Schnittlauch hinzufügen. Etwa 2 Min köcheln lassen und mit Brand ablöschen. Verrühren einkochen lassen, abschmecken. Wer mag kann die Sauce auch mit Pfeilwurzelstärke etwas andicken. Mit Petersilie bestreuen und mit dem Steak servieren. Man kann dazu auch gebratene Pilze anbieten.

Jack & The Beanstalk

An Austrian Pinot before we head for Baden...
Prieler Pinot Noir 2005
Burgenland, Austria
Dried cherry aroma......some black pepper....quite soft on entry...prickly..like a strawberry bush....the tannins still dominant and spiky acidity..softened up the next day.....which bodes well for a future..a terroir Pinot.
Points 16.75

The photo is of our flower plant....which was small, short and nothing special in May. Since then it has grown and grown..and has been trying to 'mate' with the growing vines that are on the building....so...we have added stakes to tell it which way to go. It is now hitting the heights...heading for the heavens. I always think of my childhood when I see it..Jack & The Beanstalk
And talking of heaven....our little heaven on earth is where we will be for 7 days!!! Rebstock in Waldulm.
Great food, great wines (I'll try not to drink a Spätburgunder EVERY day!). The weather forecast sounds good...so we will be walking the vineyards.....


OPOSISI RAKYAT BERSATU - Perang rakyat, Pileg dan Pilpres 2009 telah usai. Perang rakyat yang hanya diadakan 5 tahun ini dimenangkan oleh Partai pendukung pemerintah, sedangkan partai oposisi yakni PDIP hanya berada di urutan ketiga. Partai Demokrat dan Golkar berada di posisi pertama dan kedua.

Proses Pemilu baik legislatif dan presiden relatif berjalan dengan baik, walapun mash banyak masalah-masalah yang harus dibenahi oleh Penyelenggar Pemilu dan pemerintah masa mendatang untuk menciptakan Pemilu yang lebih baik, sehingga Perang rakyat tidak ternodai dan berjalan dengan adil dan damai.

Masalah yang paling substansial pada perang rakyat 2009 yang lalu adalah mengenai hak-hak rakyat yang hilang untuk maju ke medan tempur, mengangkat senjata berupa alat contreng untuk menentukan pilihanya di medan tempur yaitu TPS karena tidak memiliki kartu pemilih maupun namanya tidak terdaftar di Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT). Ironisnya banyak nama yang ganda dan sudah meninggal masih terdaftar. Singkatnya DPT pada Pemilu kemaren amburadal, walaupun ada tawaran solusi untuk mengatasi itu yaitu berupa Keputusan MK bahwa sanya bagi orang-orang yang belum terdaftar dapat menggunakan hak pilihnya dengan cacatan menunjukan KTP dan kartu Keluarga. Hal ini menurut Pemuda Indonesia baru hanyalah setetes embun di padang pasir, karena bagaimanapun juga 3 hari adalah awktu yang sangat singkat untuk mempersiapkan peralatan perang untuk maju kemedan tempur.

Disamping permasalahan DPT, masih ada permasalahan yang relatif perlu juga diperhatikan yaitu mengenai independesi penyelenggara Pemilu yaitu KPU tentang sosialisasi Pilpres yang menguntungkan salah satu pasangan dan adanya lembaga asing dalam proses tabulasi suara.

Mengenai Permasalahan DPT, sesudah pemilu legislatif merupakan sebuah permasalahan yang menjadi wacana dan isu nasional dimana ada 4 partai besar ( PDIP, GOLKAR, HANURA, GERINDRA) membentuk sebuah kelompok Teuku Umar untuk mempertanyakan hal tersebut. Banyak kalangan pemebentukan kelompok ini merupakan cikal bakal koalisi besar, maupun oposisi yang besar. Tentunya bila hal ini terjadi, maka nantinya akan ada perimbangan yang seimbang anatara partai pendukung pemerintah maupun pihak oposisi, dan tentunya hal ini sangat baik untuk perkembangan demokrasi kita, dimana kontrol dan check and Balance akan lebih berjalan dengan dinamis dan kritis, yang tentunya akan berujung kepada kebijakan yang lebih mengedepankan nasib rakyat.

cikal bakal oposisi besar ini ternyata hanya sebatas kepentingan kelompok bukan kepentingan bangsa , dimana kelompok ini kehilangan arah perjuangan dengan adanya pertarungan Pilpres 2009. Empat partai besar yang menjadi pelopor kelompok ini ternyata berseberangan pada pilpres tersebut dimana mereka sama-sama ngotot maju menjadi capres. Golkar dengan Hanura, PDIP dengan Gerindra. Mereka bertarung melawan capres incumbent, sehingga ada muncul perkataan oleh salah satu capres " Saya dikeroyok".

Perpecahan kelompok yang diharapkan dapat menjadikan proses demokrasi indonesia mejadi lebih dinamis dengan seimbangnya partai pendukung pemerintah dan oposisi ini sangat disayangkan, tapi inilah politik banyak tidak adala lawan maupun kawan yang ada hanya kepentingan, teori yang menyesatkan tapi masih relevan dengan keaadaan.

Pilpres 2009 sendiri harus diselesaikan lewat jalur pengadilan, dimana pasangan yang kalah sesuai tabulasi penghitungan suara nasional yang dilakukan oleh KPU yaitu pasangan Mega-Pro dan JK-Win menggugat KPU ke Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan berbagai alasan, salah satunya masalah DPT yang menurut mereka terjadi kesalahan sehingga merugikan mereka dan juga hasil penhitungan suara KPU juga tidak benar dimana pasangan SBY-Boediono tidak memperoleh saluara lebih dari 50 % hal ini wajib dipertanggung jawabkan dengan tuntuntan pilpres berlangsung dua putaran. Tapi bukti-bukti mereka tidak dapat meyakinkan Mahkamah konstitusi dan membuat keputusan bahawa gugatan mereka tidak dikabulkan, dengan itu maka presiden yang terpilih adalah pasangan SBY-Boediono.

Dari guagatan yang dilakukan oleh kedua pasangan yang kalah tersebut ada hal yang sangat menarik yaitu bahwa kedua-duanya mengclaim bahwa pasangan merekalah yang berhak mengikuti putaran kedua pilpres 2009 bertarung melawan pasangan SBY-Boediono. Hal ini sangat tidak rasional, walupun mereka keduanya membawa segudang data-data dan bukti. Karena substansial gugatan mereka sama dan alasan gugatan mereka juga sama hanya berbeda angka. Kemudian bila kita lihat selesih hasil penghitungan suara dari ketiga capres sangat jauh SBY-Boediono sekitar 61 % Mega-Pro sekitar 26 % dan JK-win sekitar 13 %. jadi bila adapun kesalahan penghitungan suara maka sangat kecil kemungkinan mencapai 15 % dari total pemilih yang bila dijumlahkan sekitar 15-20 juta suara. Hal ini memberi kesan bahwa para Capres yang melakukan gugatan tidak serius dan hanya membuka peluang posisi tawar bagi mereka dan juga masalah eksistensi mereka sebagai Capres walaupun mereka bertopeng dibalik keadilan untuk rakyat.

Ada beberapa hal dapat kita perhatikan mengapa ada indikasi bahwa para Capres itu tidak serius :
  1. Masalah DPT bukan merupakan persoalan baru, dimana pada pileg pun hal itu telah menjadi wacana dan isu, dan mereka juga telah membuat kelompok untuk mempertanyakan hal itu, tapi tidak ada kelanjutanya.
  2. Pada Pilpres masalah DPT baru dimunculkan ke permukaan menjelang waktu pemungutan suara sudah dekat.
  3. Bila Mereka serius mempermasalahkan DPT dan masalah lainnya, mereka dapat melakukan boikot pilpres minimal Pilpres diundur sampai masalah DPT selesai, tetapi hal itu tidak dilakukan, dengan alasan kelancaran proses pemilu.
  4. Dalam menggugat KPU mengenai hasil Pilpres kedua pasangan yang kalah sama-sama ngotot bahwa mereka yang berhak menjadi lawan SBY-Boediono. Mengapa mereka tidak menyatukan gugatan saja.
  5. Sikap partai pendukung mereka yang tidak konsisten menjadi oposisi.

Kembali, inilah dunia politik yang masih mengedepankan teori sesat, Teori yang hanya berujung kepada pembagian jatah kekuasaan. Hal ini dapat kita lihat dari wacana yang berkembang sekarang, dimana partai pendukung capres yang kalah sudah mulai merapat dan mengendus-ngendus pada pemenang seperti politik kucing.

Wacana oposisi hanya sebatas tawar menawar kekuasaan, padahal untuk menjadikan kebijakan yang tepat perlu sebuah kelompok yang kritis dan sifatnya mengkontrol kekuasaan, sehingga penguasa tidak semena-mena dan arogan yang berujung kepada kediktatoran.

Situasi dan kondisi politik bangsa kita saat ini haruslah kita sikapi dengan cepat dan tepat karena bila tidak ada kelompok yang menjadi oposisi maka selamat datang ORDE BARU 2. Partai politik yang kita harapakan dapat bersikap opoisi hanya memainkan sandiwara yang mempesona dan membuat rakyat sebagai penonton kadang tertawa dan menangis serta terharu.

Sebagai rakyat tentunya kita tidak boleh hanya menonton sandiwara yang menyesatkan tersebut. Mari kita bersatu padu mengkritisi pemerintah. Bila partai politik tidak mau menjadi oposisi maka kita rakyatlah menjadi oposisi. Jangan biarkan kucuran keringan dan keluh kesah serta nasib kita serahkan kepada dunia akting yang hanya membuat kita bermimpi. Sekaranglah saatnya Saudara/i semua untuk menjadi oposisi. Kita kritisi penguasa, biarlah pemerintah dan wakil kita disenayan sana hanya sebagai legalitas,saatnya kita yang menentukan kemana arah bangsa ini, saatnya rakyat menentukan nasibnya, jangan biarkan perjuangan kita yang hanya ada dalam lima tahun sekali sia-sia dan dinodai serta dinikamati sebagian orang. Bersatulah rakyat Indonesia dalam OPOSISI RAKYAT BERSATU.

By: Donsisco. P, SH

Der beliebsteste Antiheld

Pillenabhängiger Zyniker schlägt Serienkiller und Knacki - Das Fernsehserien Blog hat den beliebtesten Antihelden gesucht und dank eurer großartigen Wahlbeteiligung auch gefunden.

Der Sieg ging mit 30 Prozent der Stimmen an Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie, House M. D.), den Diagnostiker vom Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital mit den schlechtesten Umgangsformen seit es Fernsehärzte gibt.

Knapp gefolgt wird der Griesgram von Dexter Morgan (Michael, C. Hall, Dexter), dem Serienkiller/Blutspritzerexperten aus Miami, der 25 Prozent der Stimmen auf sich vereinen konnte.

An dritter Stelle mit 19 Prozent liegt Gefängnisausbrecher Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller, Prison Break), der neben seinem zum Tode verurteilten Bruder unter anderem einem Mafiaboss zur Flucht verhilft.

Der beliebsteste Antiheld

Pillenabhängiger Zyniker schlägt Serienkiller und Knacki - Das Fernsehserien Blog hat den beliebtesten Antihelden gesucht und dank eurer großartigen Wahlbeteiligung auch gefunden.

Der Sieg ging mit 30 Prozent der Stimmen an Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie, House M. D.), den Diagnostiker vom Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital mit den schlechtesten Umgangsformen seit es Fernsehärzte gibt.

Knapp gefolgt wird der Griesgram von Dexter Morgan (Michael, C. Hall, Dexter), dem Serienkiller/Blutspritzerexperten aus Miami, der 25 Prozent der Stimmen auf sich vereinen konnte.

An dritter Stelle mit 19 Prozent liegt Gefängnisausbrecher Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller, Prison Break), der neben seinem zum Tode verurteilten Bruder unter anderem einem Mafiaboss zur Flucht verhilft.

Oriental Chickpea Salad - Orientalischer Kichererbsensalat

its been still quite warm and busy the past days so we keep having light and quick suppers.... yesterday was mezze day with a nice variety of olives from a turkish store, marinated feta cheese, flatbread, tomato salad and this chickpea dish... i don't really have a recipe but here is how it goes...

i use 1 can of chickpeas, rinsed, peeled and drained, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1/2 yellow bell pepper cut in cubes, a big bushel of flat parsley and fresh mint finley chopped, 1 red onion, a bit minced garlic, 1 tsp roasted sesame seeds, a bit preserved lemons chopped finely, olive oil, lemon juice, salt & pepper and a bit turkish chili

mix all together - adust taste.. it should stronly taste of mint and a bit heat from the chili and sourness of the lemon.... the better the olive oil is the better this salad tastes! LEt the salad marinate and sit for at least 1 hour

Enjoy - Alissa


die letzten Tage waren wie bei Euch auch eher warm und sommerlich angenehm... allerdings bin ich immer noch sehr beschäftigt und daher fallen meine Abendessen eher leicht und schnell aus.... dies hatten wir gestern ich habe mir beim Türken eine Variation eingelegter Oliven, marinierten Fetakäse mitgenommen sowie ein Fladenbrot... dann habe ich einen Cherry Tomaten Salat gemacht und diesen Kichererbsensalat - den hat ir mal eine türkische Freundin serviert - das Rezept habe ich nie genau erfahren aber ich kriege es annhernd gut hin -lach

Ich verwende 1 Dose Kichererbsen gespült, geschält und abgetropft, 1/2 rote Paprika, 1/2 gelbe Paprika in Würfel geschnitten, 1/2 Bund glatte Petersilie und Minze fein gehackt, 1 rote Zwiebel feingehackt, etwas gerösteten Sesam, türkisches Chili, marikkanisch eingelegte Zitronen fein gehackt, bestes Olivenöl, Zitronensaft Salz und Pfeffer und eine Spur feingehackten Knoblauch

Alles gut vermischen, abschmecken und anpassen. Am besten etwas ziehen lassen im Kühlschrank und bei Zimmertemperatur servieren. Man sollte die Minze deutlich schmecken, die Säure der Zitrone sollte etwas hervorkommen und das Chili sollte es schon abrunden!!

Viel Vergnügen damit...schmeckt auch herrlich zu gegrilltem Lammfleisch


No Wine, Blame Your Wife

Au Bon Climat Hildegard 2004
Santa Maria Valley, California, U.S.A.
Much as I love Jim Clenenden's wines....some of the bottles have a large punt at the bottom and weigh a lot..and..we once compared them to a normal bottle..3 times heavier if I remember.This Hildegard is in a VERY dark bottle...no way to see which film star is hiding behind this glass. Mind you...it does have it's amusing moments. Having tried a Chardonnay a couple of years ago...I carried the bottle (staggered) to the fridge to try the rest next day. The following evening I opened it and started to slowly pour a glass....the first of 2 glasses I hoped. Nada....there came a few drops. I asked my wife if she had been using my 'top' Chard for the kitchen..or maybe the cook had been at it herself (denied). What is was of course was..the weight and the darkness. Unless you can guess what you have drunk....you'll end up having to open another bottle of something....and obviously the wine had found a good home in the form of my stomach.This 'Hildegard' is Jim's Hommage to Charlemagne..and there's no denying the likeness...that's if you have been lucky enough to drink any Corton Charlemagne. The original is VERY expensive and takes years to develope......so you have two choices...you have to be patient..buy young and lay it down for 10 years...but who leaves whites in the cellar that long..or buy it at a top price if you are a millionaire from the U.S or Japan. I first tried 'Hildegard' over a year ago..and was very impressed..Pinot Gris meets Chardonnay. Very similiar to it's big SIS from France.....I decided to leave 2 bottles in the cellar (that's just over a year..just think..10 years!! for a Corton). Miss Hildegard is starting to smell like an old Corton...which doesn't sound appetizing when said like that. Give her some air..and the slight mustiness disappears...creamy texture...but becoming an acquired taste. Methinks the next bottle should be drunk now...or forgotten for 10 years to be the 'surprise' wine at some obscure tasting.
Points 16.75


A photograph could be taken on the day Saturday, June 27, 2009. According to the source of a rabid Jackson fan site, and michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com michaeljacksonsightings.com, Jacko the death of this plot was created 10 years ago and should be immediately implemented. In these sites, it is mentioned that Michael Jackson could not afford the debt, legal charges, contract crowded, and so on. For this reason, from the same source, mentioned that a person who becomes Michael Jackson should be made 'dead' to liberate the artist Michael Jackson actually to live in 'freedom'.

According michaeljacksonsightings.com site, the site dedicated to bringing the truth and a forum for him to communicate with fans. It added, that the person who died had been ill for a long time, and then operated on her to be like Michael Jackson, even fingerprints are also suitable.

While in michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com site, mentioned that there were irregularities on the death of Jackson. Like the 911 emergency call made from Jacko Mansion at 12.21pm, half an hour after Dr. Conrad Murray Jackson found the body of an unconscious and then the doctor gave CPR or artificial breathing. Jacko's body arrived at UCLA Medical Center at 1:14 am local time and then the team of doctors and kardiologis check for 1 hour, until they gave up and announced his death at 2.26pm. Jacko's body was taken to the helicopter and will be moved to the LA County Morgue in 35 to 45 minutes. So what and who is in any helicopter, the site is still asking what really happened to Jacko.



Quickies.....in all parts of life......are a necessity......and every picture tells a story...
Ökonomierat Rebholz von Muschelkalk Riesling Spätlese Trocken 2008
Pfalz, Germany

Loved the 2007.....this is awkward...and needs time....but is classy...

Kirchmayr Grüner Veltliner
Fass 5 'Strasser Stangl' 2007

Kamptal, Austria
Fresh and spicy...dried stones....overnight..it filled out..showed better....opulent and juicy...
Points 16.25

Vinas De Gain Artadi 2006
Rioja, Spain
Safe.....from start to finish..but a bit too soft....is this being made more consumer friendly in it's youth....
Points 16

Gaia Thalassitis 2008
Santorini, Greece
SEXY BLACK CORK!!!! The wine...pale yellow colour..touch of green...chalky, smoky nose..dry...citrus..and a touch too austere..lively...and intense minerals.
Points 16

Saykoji Copy My Style VS ST 12 Isabella.

Saykoji Copy My Style VS ST 12 Isabella - Lagu copy my style yang dilantunkan oleh Saykoji dengan lagu Isabella yang dilantunkan oleh ST 12 merupakan dua lagu yang bisa dikatakan bertolak belakang. Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa lagu copy my style yang dilantunkan saykoji bertemakan kritis terhadap sikap Malaysia yang suka meng copy karya indonesia lewat musik. Sedangkan Isabella yang dicopy oleh ST 12 dari band Malaysia.

kita jadi bingung , siapa sih yang copy style? . Jawab sendiri aja ya... he..ehe..hhehee.

Dalam hal ini pemuda indonesia baru berpendapat bahwa Saykoji lebih mengedepan Nasionalisime, sedangkan ST 12 lebih mengedepankan Pofesi dia sebagai musisi. Hal ini bukan berarti ST 12 tidak nasionalis, tapi Saykoji lebih dapat membuktikanya. Maju Terus Saykoji, dan ST 12 buktikan donk bahwa kamu juga musisi yang Nasionalis dengan karyamu.

Terlepas darimana latar belakang darimana profesi kita, sebagai rakyat indonesia kita harus menunjukan nasionalisme kita terhadap bangsa ini. Terlebih-lebih saat ini Indonesia butuh dukungan dari setiap elemen untuk kembali mengangkat harkat dan martabatnya.

Bersatulah Pemuda/i Indonesia bersatulah menuju Indonesia baru!!!!

Grilled Ratatouille Sandwiches

i often make cheese sandwiches or grilled cheese sandwiches as a quick supper or for lunch.  Its done quickly filling and loved by my son. I especially like it next to a steaming mug of tomato soup. Thats how my mom and grandma make it and i continue this. Today i sometimes change the ingredients or fillings... as you can see on the picture this time i added some ratatouille and made it a meal by itself... I play with different kinds of bread and cheeses...

The version i made yesterday was swedish rye smorgas bread, thinly sliced camembert and Comte,  fried zucchini slices, red onion rings, red and orange pepper, a slice of heirloom tomato, salt, pepper and herbs de provence. I grilled it in a griddle till the cheese was melted and digged in... very nice

Cheese Sandwiches
An ungrilled or re-grilled cheese sandwich (which is almost universally spoken of without the "ungrilled" adjective) is the older of the two bold varieties, and also is generally more fundamental, without the possible addition of bacon, tomato and other ingredients that one finds in the case of the grilled cheese sandwich.

The bread, which can take any form—split baguettes are most common in France and Belgium, for example, versus vertically sliced loaf bread in North America and the United Kingdom—is toasted or left untoasted, and filled with Swiss or emmental (popular throughout North America and Europe), Cheddar cheese (the UK and North America), American cheese (North America), brie or camembert (France and Belgium), gouda (the Netherlands and Germany), or any of a vast number of other cheeses. In Europe, especially, the sandwiches can be easily found in bakeries (sometimes with butter spread onto the bread), and also at snack bars and more casual restaurants.

A grilled cheese sandwich is a grilled (actually fried) or broiled sandwich consisting of two slices of bread (usually buttered) with cheese melted in between, sometimes combined with an additional ingredient such as peppers, tomatoes or onions. It is a simple variation on the normal cheese sandwich, and is sometimes known as a cheese sandwich, without any qualification. A variety of different names denote the same sandwich, such as cheese toastie or toasted cheese sandwich; in England and New Zealand it goes by toastie, in Australia it is commonly called a cheese jaffle, and in the Netherlands it is called a tosti. Wikipedia

Food historians generally agree that cooked bread and cheese combinations [in many different forms, textures and tastes] were ancient foods known across most continents and cultures. The earliest recipes for food like these are found in Ancient Roman cookbooks. Modern grilled cheese sandwiches descended from these ancient recipes.

Who invented the grilled cheese Americans know today? We will never know, but we can (given the ingredients) place it in time. Culinary evidence suggests our modern grilled cheese (consisting of processed cheese and sliced white bread) began in the 1920s. That's when affordable sliced bread and inexpensive American cheese hit the market. Goverment issue cookbooks tell us World War II Navy cooks broiled hundreds of "American cheese filling sandwiches" in ship's kitchens. This makes sense. The sandwich was economical, easy to make, met government nutrition standards AND (if done right?) quite tasty. In the 1940s and 50s these sandwiches were open-faced and usually made with prepackaged grated "American" cheddar cheese. It wasn't long before school cafeterias and other institutional kitchens followed suit. The usual accompaniment? Tomato soup. At that time, tomato soup would have been perceived as a healthy dose of Vitamin C. Excess sodium was not an issue.

By the 1960s, the top piece of bread became standard. The reason is not clear. Possibly? This was the least expensive way to make a popular sandwich more filling.

Some people wonder about the difference between toasted cheese and grilled cheese. Are they the same thing? On the surface, recipes for both produce somewhat similar results (melted cheese nestled between two slices of crisp, warm, buttered bread). Actually? Food historians tell us this a linguistic puzzle. Notes here:

"Toast...is made by placing a slice of bread in front of dry heat-a fire, a grill, or an electric toaster...Certainly, toast has a long history in Britain. Tost was much used in the Middle Ages, being made in the ordinary way at an open fire...Often toast was spread with toppings...Meat toppings for toast became fashionable in during the 16th century...Towards the end of the 16th century all knds of things began to appear on toast....[including] melted cheese."

---Oxford Companion to Food, Alan Davidson [Oxford University Press:Oxford] 1999 (p. 796-7)

"Grill...to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat, as in when a piece of meat is placed on a grill...The North American word for the verb grill is broil."

---ibid (p. 354)

A survey of American cookbooks reveals that recipes titled for "toasted cheese" sandwiches predate those titled "grilled cheese." Grilled cheese shows up in print in the 1960s. BUT!!! It is also apparent that most recipes for toasted cheese sandwiches were broiled (what the English term grill). To further complicate matters, there seems to be little or no relationship between the name of the dish and the instructed method of cookery. Heating methods include toasting in a broiler, baking in a oven and frying on a cooktop with a frying pan, griddle or similar device. It is interesting to note one does not find recipes for "fried cheese sandwiches," even though many of the recipes called for this cooking method. Curious, yes?

Each of these American recipes below would produce something similar (but not exactly) to modern "grilled" cheese sandwiches:

[1902]--Melted Cheese (hot oven)

Mrs. Rorer's New Cook Book, Sarah Tyson Rorer (p. 275)

[1916]--Cheese Dreams (fried in a chafing dish, served with hot tomato or catchup)

Salads, Sandwiches and Chafing Dish Recipes, Marion H. McNeil (p. 23)

[1929]--Toasted Cheese (broiled in the oven)

Seven Hundred Sandwiches, Florence A. Cowles (p. 181)

[1939]--Toasted Sandwiches (broiled in the oven or sauteed in butter in heavy frying pan)

The Boston Cooking School Cook Book, Fannie M. Farmer (p. 719)

[1949]--Toasted Cheese Sandwiches (sauteed in a skillet)

Fireside Cook Book, James A. Beard (p. 152)

[1953]--Waffle or toasted sandwiches (bread & cheese spread heated in a commercial waffle iron, prescribed for the maidless host')

The Joy of Cooking, Irma S. Rombauer (p. 137)

At the Grilled Cheese Invitational cook-off (held annually in Los Angeles), contestants attempt to cook the best grilled cheese sandwich in various categories. The 2008 winner of the Grilled Cheese Invitational "Spaz Trophy" (awarded for overall "weirdness") was the "Cake and Mivens" a dessert grilled cheese sandwich that featured the peeps confectionery.

On November 23, 2004, a grilled cheese sandwich containing a likeness of the Virgin Mary was sold at auction for $28,000.


A grilled cheese sandwich can be made in a variety of ways, depending on both the region and personal preference. None of the usual methods utilize an American style grill.

In the United States, the outside of the assembled sandwich is usually buttered before being fried. The sandwich may be cooked with a griddle, pan, or cast iron skillet. When the bottom of the sandwich is golden brown, it is flipped and cooked on the other side.The sandwich is finished when both sides are toasted and the cheese has melted. In an alternative "pan method," butter or oil is first heated in the pan in which the unbuttered sandwich is then cooked.

A second technique is to make the sandwich in a toaster oven. With this method, a slice of cheese is placed on each slice of bread, and the two halves are separately toasted. The sandwich is then carefully combined at the end, with the two separate slices of cheese bonding to hold the sandwich together. A regular oven or a sandwich toaster can also be used. This method is more common in the United Kingdom where the sandwiches are called "toasties."

A Croque-Monsieur
is a hot ham and cheese (typically emmental or gruyère) grilled sandwich. It originated in France as a fast-food snack served in cafés and bars. More elaborate versions come coated in a Mornay or Béchamel sauce. The emergence of the croque-monsieur (and variations) is mirrored by growth in popular fast-foods in other countries.

The name is based on the verb croquer ("to crunch") and the word monsieur ("mister")—the reason behind the combination of the two words is unclear—and is colloquially shortened to croque. While the origins of the croque-monsieur are unknown, there are many speculations on how it was first originated. The croque-monsieur's first recorded appearance on a Parisian café menu was in 1910.[1] Its earliest published use has been traced back to volume two of Proust's Remembrance of Things Past (À la recherche du temps perdu) (1918).Wikipedia


ich musszwar vorsichtig mit Milchprodukten sein aber ich komme an einem guten gegrilltem Käsesandwich nicht vorbei. Ich spiele da sehr gerne mit Brotsorten und verschiedenen Käsearten. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches gab es bei uns schon immer meine Oma in Canada hat die gerne zubereitet als ein schnelles Mittagessen und meine Mutter hat das ebenso gehandhabt meist mit einem kräftigen Weißbrot und Gouda oder Cheddar und dan ging das in die Pfanne oder Ofen. Dazu gab es meist eine heiße Portion frische Tomatensuppe. Ich liebe das heute immer noch. Mein Sohn macht sich die mittlerweile selbst - auch gerne im Sandwichtoasteer das macht ihm viel Spass...

Wie Ihr wenn Ihr mögt der History und den weitere Informationen in englisch entnehmen könnt hat Brot und Käse logischerweise eine lange Geschichte und wurde schon von den Römern und wahrscheinlich schon viel früher kombiniert gegessen. Jedes Land hat sich "Sandwiches" oder wie man auch immer es bezeichnen mag.. Panini, Croque Monsieur, Welsh Rarebite.. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Käsebrot etc.... Es ist interessant zu verfolgen was da alles kombiniert wird und jedes Land für Traditionen und Begriffe entwickelt hat...

Ich habe gestern mein Sandwich folgendermaßen zubereitet: schwedisches Roggen Smorgas Brot, Comte und Camember fein geschnitten, gebratenen Scheiben Zucchini, rote Zwiebelringe, gebratenen roten und orange Paprikastücke, Tomate, etwas Salz, Pfeffer und Kräuter der Provence.... ich habe die Brotscheiben etwas mit Olivenöl und den Käutern bestrichen die Käsescheiben draufgeben auf beide und in die Mitte das gebratenen Gemüse, etwas Salz Peffer drüber, die zweite Brothälfte mit dem Käse drauf...ab in die heiße Gußeisenpfanne.. einmal wenden und servieren... fertig...