A Life On The Ocean Waves

Many years ago we spent a holiday in Crete, Greece. We drove by car to Italy..then took a cruise ship (car in the hold)..leaving it after 3 days.....spending 4 weeks on the Greek island..then joining the ship (called The Poseidon) again for 4 days back to Italy. The return journey was eventful. I had taken my guitar..to strum on the beach....and as there were shows every evening I was asked to 'perform'. I was given special permission to collect the instrument from my car...then I practiced with the ship's band..and if I remember rightly..sang one of my own compositions..and a version of the Dubliner's Whiskey In The Jar. Next day....there were some nice compliments...and then I was asked to enter for the Mr.Poseidon contest. Only with my wife saying I should..did I agree. There were lots of Italians on the ship....but I somehow managed to win (Number 34..please come in)...maybe the tan swung it for me. You may think that was it...wrong! There was to be a cabaret where a bunch of guys were asked to take part. Myself..and a few Italians spent an afternoon learning our steps. It entailed a dance in old fashioned bathing costumes..and various other movements. We laughed all afternoon until it hurt. The lady in charge said we should not go overboard (bad pun)..as the captain was very strict. We threatened to place bananas inside our costumes...she almost died! One of the Italians had to dress up in drag (as a lady)...unforgettable as the photo confirms.
What has all this to do with wine....well..no doubt I drank some on the ship...not much on the Crete island though..as most of it was dreadful and oxidized. As you will see below..things are changing in Greece. Anyway...I no doubt had a bottle of Boutari wine...and one of the islands we passed was Santorini. See....what a way to show old holiday snaps and talk about a recent wine.

Boutari Santorini 2008
Santorini, Greece
If 'Godello' is the secret white of Spain..then Santorini whites are the equivalent in Greece. The grape is Assyrtiko..and is 100% in this example. Before we start..this cost around € 9,--. My good friend Robert said I would never be satisfied with a wine under 10 Euros...but I think we were talking about reds. Recent Spanish, German and Austrian whites in this price range have been eye-opening. Boutari's wine is very citrus fruit..a lemon-curd pie comes to mind...this sees no oak...5 months in stainless steel..flinty..a gentle smokiness and plenty of minerals..good texture..no pushover..and as I said..very good value.
Points 16.25

and for those who have strong nerves...
the Italian Drag Queen!

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