latest news from the world of celebrities is the determination of Pasha 'Ungu' became the suspect in the case of persecution by the Okie agustina kepolisian.Actually Friday,August 21, 2009, Pasha must attend the examination continued after the status change to suspect in the police office, but because the interests of religious preparation of launching the album, Pasha lawyer who represented to apply for permission not to attend to meet the call.

Cases of maltreatment Chronological
After a review of approximately five hours Mapolresta in Bogor, Okie Agustina Sofyan eventually lift the media to talk about the violence that befall chronological. Widow three children Pasha justify that the former husband had hit her. Even women origin Bandung this opportunity to rebut the opposition brunt Pasha. Consequently hands are bruised. "Is correct and this is beating a bruise on my hand. This is because I reject wallop Pasha. "Okie said before a number of these media.Incident was also witnessed by parlormaid okie that at that time was in the house in the Okie Cimanggu Bogor. Okie was originally thought that may not like this Incident. "I can not think like this Incident. In fact this misconception aja originally. But he finally came out over me. "Clearly Okie.The planning, next Thursday (30/07), domestic workers Okie who witness incidents of beating, and will be called dimintai information by authorities. Pasha's is now defined as a suspect. If there is no obstacle in the way, come Saturday, Pasha will be called and examined in the case of alleged persecution is. As already known, a man named Said full Sigit Purnomo that are show in the city of Makassar Ungu.Pasha can be entangled with article 352 Law Book, Follow Criminal Law, with the alleged acts of violence and threatened the three month jail sentence in prison.
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