Marzipan Fruit Cake
by Nigella Lawson
note that this needs to be started *at least* 24 hours before you want to consume it.
i have made this 2 times now and it is soooo good - i do enjoy fruit cakes and tea cakes a lot but they have to be moist and without candid peel..... THIS IS THE CAKE and it has marzipan!!!
by Nigella Lawson
note that this needs to be started *at least* 24 hours before you want to consume it.
i have made this 2 times now and it is soooo good - i do enjoy fruit cakes and tea cakes a lot but they have to be moist and without candid peel..... THIS IS THE CAKE and it has marzipan!!!
The picture shows you a thin version... next time i will go for a smaller baking tin again...(sorry pic quality is not so great) Alissa
150g/ 1 cup sultanas
100g / 1 package natural coloured glace cherries, halved
150g/ 8 oz dried pears, chopped
100ml/ 1/4 cup white rum
250g marzipan
50g/ 1/4 cup ground almonds
zest of 1 lemon
175g plain flour
100g 1/2 cup caster sugar
100g/ 1/2 cup butter
2 large eggs
1 tsp orange flower water or lemon oil
20cm spring form cake tin, buttered and lined bottom and sides, so that the parchment comes a good 10cm above the rim
the night before, mix sultanas, glace cherries and dried pears in a large bowl, cover with the rum. Dice the marzipan and put it in the freezer. Leave both to soak and freeze overnight.
next day, preheat oven to 140/gas 1. Beat together almonds, lemon zest, sugar, flour, butter and eggs. Add drained fruit, orange flower water and frozen marzipan. Put the mixture into the tin, levelling the surface, and making a slight indent in the middle to get an even surface when cooked.
bake for 2 - 2 1/2 hours, or until skewer comes out clean. Do not overcook, as it will continue to cook in its own heat for a bit. But don't worry - there's enough dried fruit and marzipan to stop anyone complaining that the cake is dry.
allow to cool in the tin, rewrap in parchment and foil to store for about a week. Although Nigella does say that she's never managed more than two days' storage ...
150g/ 1 cup sultanas
100g / 1 package natural coloured glace cherries, halved
150g/ 8 oz dried pears, chopped
100ml/ 1/4 cup white rum
250g marzipan
50g/ 1/4 cup ground almonds
zest of 1 lemon
175g plain flour
100g 1/2 cup caster sugar
100g/ 1/2 cup butter
2 large eggs
1 tsp orange flower water or lemon oil
20cm spring form cake tin, buttered and lined bottom and sides, so that the parchment comes a good 10cm above the rim
the night before, mix sultanas, glace cherries and dried pears in a large bowl, cover with the rum. Dice the marzipan and put it in the freezer. Leave both to soak and freeze overnight.
next day, preheat oven to 140/gas 1. Beat together almonds, lemon zest, sugar, flour, butter and eggs. Add drained fruit, orange flower water and frozen marzipan. Put the mixture into the tin, levelling the surface, and making a slight indent in the middle to get an even surface when cooked.
bake for 2 - 2 1/2 hours, or until skewer comes out clean. Do not overcook, as it will continue to cook in its own heat for a bit. But don't worry - there's enough dried fruit and marzipan to stop anyone complaining that the cake is dry.
allow to cool in the tin, rewrap in parchment and foil to store for about a week. Although Nigella does say that she's never managed more than two days' storage ...
Früchtekuchen von Nigella Lawson
saftiger fruchtiger süßer Früchtekuchen... bete den ich je hatte - so soll ein Früchtekuchen sein!! AlissaBlechdose aufbewahren und ruhen lassen 10 Tage und jeden 2. Tag mit Rum bestreichen! Hält sich ewig - wenn man ihn nicht vorher aufgegessen hat
150g Sultanien oder Korinthen
100g Belegkirschen halbiert
150g getrocknetes Obst der Wahl, gehackt (z. Bsp Dörrpflaumen,Birnen, Aprikosen etc)
100ml weißen Rum
250g Marzipan
50g gemahlene Mandeln
Zesten 1 Zitrone
175g Mehl
100g Zucker
100g Butter
2 große Eier
1 Päckchen Vanillezucker
1/2 TL Zitronenaroma
Eine 20 cm Springform buttern und auf dem Boden mit Backpapier auslegen.
Am Abend zuvor die Trockenfrüchte, Rosinen und Belegkirschen in einer Schüssel mit dem Rum ziehen lassen.
Das Marzipan würfeln und über nacht in den Gefrierschrank geben.
Am nächsten Tag den Backofen auf 140°C erhitzen. Die gemahlenen Mandeln, Zitronenzesten, Zucker, Vanillezucker, Mehl und Butter und eiger cremig schlagen und das Zitronenöl, Trockenfrüchte und Marzipanwürfel (gefroren - ist wichtig!) hinzufügen. Alles in die Backform geben und in der Mitte eine mulde eindrücken damit der Kuchen ebenmäßig bacht und sich nicht wölbt!
2 Stunden backen bis der Zahnstpocher sauber rauskommtbake for 2 - 2 1/2 hours, or until skewer comes out clean. Nicht überbacken denn es backt durch die gespeicherte Hitze noch weiter - andererseit sind soviele saftige Früchte und Marzipan drin das es nicht trocken werden kann :-)).
Den Kuchen komplett auskühlen lassen mit Rum bestreichen und in Backpapierwickeln unddann in eienr
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