Yoga Muffins....... Aura Muffins.....
I found a recipe for orange juice muffins a while ago from a german recipe board and they were wonderful just as the recipe said so.... Then a week later i went grocery shopping with my son and we went to our favorit organic Supermarket - it is huge and has everything you need.... My son enjoys sencet candles or natural aroma oils or tea.... so i found him clos to the check out in the tea section and he was checking the Yogi teas.... i didn't say much i was surprised - a boy that collects Wrestling cards, is into soocer and rap and house music checks out Yogi teas.... interesting... that is his big sensitive and very sweet side in him that he tries to hide so hart towards me sind the teenage hormones hit him.... To make a long story short he selecte a very nice Aura tea from the Yogi tea brand... first thing we did coming home... we brewed it and loved it...
So the next time i made the orange juice muffins i though hmmm how can i spice them up and just dumped the contents of 2 tea bags of tha t aura tea in there..... WOW what a wonderful smell and lovely suble sort of chai flavor it gave... I gave my mom and dad a few and especially my mom liked them very much ....
Here is the recipe. Alissa
Yoga - Orange Juice - Muffins
300g / 3 cup flour
300g/ 1 1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 cup oil
1 cup orange juice
3 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
a dash salt
2 tea bags Aura Yogi Tea or any other tea you enjoy.. (just the contents of the tea bag!!! please cut open and throw the bag away) (this ingredient is optional)
Preheat the oven to 350° F/ 160° C
Mix all dry ingredeints together and then add the wet ingredients. Quickly mix together that the dough looks lumpy and bumpy and just holds together don't over mix it ot the muffins will get too tough...
Line your muffin tray with liners and fill 3/4 full.
Bake for about 25 -30 min - test before taking out.
Tip: for a change you could add chocolate chips, nuts, dried fruit.... you can glaze them or frost them with your favorit frosting.
Orangen - Aura - Muffins
Eigenkreation mit Yogitee... sensationell frisch, der Teig ist fluffig und leicht und ergibt ein herrliches Aromenspiel im Mund
300 g Dinkelmehl, (oder Weizenmehl)
300 g Zucker, braun
4 Ei(er)
1 Tasse Öl
1 Tasse Orangensaft
2 Beutel Tee, Aura Teebeutel (Yogi Tee aus dem Bioladen)
1 Orange(n), Abrieb, Bio-
Backofen auf 175° vorheizen. Muffinform mit Papierförmchen auslegen.
Alle Zutaten gut vermischen - nicht zulange rühren!
Dann den Teig in die Formen füllen 3/4 voll (Vorsicht! Teig ist etwas flüssig).
Ca. 25 Min backen. Bitte Zahnstochertest machen.
Man kann die Muffins so essen oder den Deckel abschneiden und mit einer Ingwercreme oder Vanillesahne füllen und Deckel halb draufgeben und z.B. mit Mangosirup beträufeln.
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