Liking, Not Loving

Having heard so much about these wines...I bought 3 bottles..a previous post was the first I are the other two. Now..regular readers will know I love Pinot Noir & Spätburgunder...but my palate grew up on Cabernet Sauvignon and I have seen and tasted most things in the last 30 years of drinking. Maybe Cabernet Franc is something I like ..but don't love. None were 'bad' wines...but as I is sometimes down to styles & tastes.
Bernard Baudry Chinon
Les Granges 2007

Loire France
The basic wine from Bau lively..with liquorice tones...and a range of wild forest berries.. easy drinking..a luncheon wine.
Points 15

Bernard Baudry Chinon
Croix Boissee 2006
Loire, France
After the Clos Guillot and the Granges I was hoping for a knockout wine to
convince me that I could start to love these wines. Liking and loving..big difference with anything we admire....dark berries on the nose..and more minerally than the others...a variety of wild smells..palate showed quite dominant acidity and dry I left it until next had broadened..and needs food now. Difficult wines to appraise when young is my thought...and as they are well-liked elsewhere..I bow to more experienced tasters of the style. This was € 19,-- and for that amount there are more wines that appeal to me.
Points 16.25

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