Inkling for Ink | Just Another Insomniac

"My tattoos are my story." My friend Mcky would explain to curious inquiries. She sometimes ends up exchanging rude responses with old people's old judgment.

Tattoos have been spreading like statement shirts, almost everyone who thinks they're cool wears them.

I met a struggling 19 year old model who wants to get tattooed by an artist friend for the sole reason of flaunting it during fashion shows. I felt violated inside. Gone are the days that this sacred art signifies a subculture, the counter culture. It is sad and tragic.

I have expressed my desire to get a tattoo to a few artist friends. One of them asked me why I need to have one. I paused and pondered. He doesn't even have one but it's one of his passions. I haven't found an answer, not even until now.

One day, I will lose interest in tattoos just like how I dismissed the quest of fitting in, trying to be hip and gaining people's attention. Hopefully that day won't be a day when I already have one.

Here are some of her tats.

"Three Little Birds". A tribute to the Bob Marley song. A reminder that "every little thing is gonna be okay".

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