Don’t confuse me with the facts…Roswell was a Weather Balloon! « L.A. Marzulli’s Blog

Commentary & Analysis


L. A. Marzulli

The memo that 'proves aliens landed at Roswell'… released online by the FBI–released-online-FBI.html#ixzz1JE4zwQG5

We all know that our government would never in any way mislead, obfuscate, cover up, or in any other way misrepresent information to its citizens. Therefore, when our government tells me that Roswell was a weather balloon, then by golly, that's good enough for me. I'll take it to the bank!

Our government would never renege on treaties signed with first nation peoples, would never experiment on its citizens with life threatening diseases, would certainly never cover up the facts concerning the assassination of President Kennedy – just where did his brain go missing from Dallas to D.C. – that it's perfectly natural that Building 7, in New York city, fell at free-fall speeds into its own footprint, and most certainly would never in a million years lie about UFOs.

For a moment I was worried, thinking that somehow my trusted elected officials might not have my best interests at heart.

Oh well, I now know with certainty  that Roswell was just a weather balloon, caught in flock of geese, that reflected the planet Venus, in a thermal updraft of swamp gas! Case closed! Now back to American Idol….

____________________________________________________________ L. A. Marzulli's  -  Speaking Engagements!

Prophecy In The News: Television – February 8 – 11

March 4 – 6 Albuquerque New Mexico – Know the Times

March 11- 13 Yuba California

March 25- 27 SEE in Connecticut -

June – 3-4-5 – Denver Colorado

June: Cavalry Chapel Oceanside – June 24 -25!

July 9-8-10: Chicago – Mingled Seed Tour! | The Benjamin Effect

August – Omega Conference – Las Vegas

August ? – Albuquerque – details pending

October 8 – Unprecedented Time Cruise!

October  - Canada – details pending


New interview on Prophecy in the News!


We are now taking Pre-orders for Watchers 2 – Signs in the Heavens and Earth. Place your order and save $5. go

Why are the nations of the world in turmoil?  What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation?  Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what is happening with volcanic eruptions in Japan, Italy and Iceland? And what about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Something has changed, and Watchers 2 will try and investigate if what ancient texts have said for millenniums are true — that we are entering a period where there will be wars, earthquakes, and famines — including signs in the skies and the heavens. L.A. Marzulli will comment as well as interview experts on this volume. Including: Chuck Missler, Rabbi Aaron Parry, Stan Deyo and Jim Wilhelmsen and Helena Lehman. Dr. Roger Leir will also give us his update on alien implants.


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