1. Dear Sander, would you like to introduce yourself?
My name is Sander Bekeschus, age of 24. After 20 years of a good time in my hometown Berlin I have gone to Greifswald to study humanbiology at the University at the baltic sea. I will be finishing my diploma next summer.
2. When did your initial music spark ignite?
The spark ignited in the end of 2000 when my brother Benjamin and I went the first time clubbing in Berlin. We went to the old 'Tresor’, the 'Casino' or even the ‘Matrix’ - back then a nice underground club, Tobi Izui was playing.
Also - let's face it - the first 'Perlen' mix- CD by Thomas Schumacher was our first underground electronic music we've heard and loved.
3. Who and what was your most important influence? Who and what is it nowadays?
Clubwise it’s most definitely the Tresor club. The basement as well as the house floor upstairs gave me through many years important ideas how music can work with and through people. I would name the ‘Berghain’ (Berlin) and ‘Conny Island’ (Leipzig) as most influencing clubs for me nowadays.
In my personal environment it has always been and still is my brother who pushes things forward. He started producing music early while I was dj’ing. He has given me many clear and analytical perspectives on electronic music.
Artistwise I have been inspired by Allen Alien, the Advent, Christian Morgenstern and Basic Channel during my first electronic years. Today it is Âme, Black Jazz Consortium, and Josh Wink who should be named as a strong but indigenous influence.
4. How would you describe your own style?
I used to play lots of techno, but always have been polygamous on style questions. Nowadays it is deep and dub house besides minimal-acidid techno which I Play. My vinyl stock is wide spread, so are my productions. Nevertheless, conservative as I am it is important for me to underline that I play vinyl only (except cd’s with freshly produced own sound). It is important to keep the vinyl culture alive, although it is truly not the one and only culture and / or medium.
5. Do you produce your own tracks? What are you currently working on?
Since many years my brother and I are creating sounds. Last march our first vinyl on Eintakt Records (#022) has been released. Another dub-tech song is going to be released on vinyl June 3rd this year besides some remixes appearing digitally. Take a look and the soundcloud- accounts of my brother and / or me.
Currently I am working on two remixes for a remix album. I have just finished creating the soundtrack for short movie called “Arbeitstitel:Herbst”. The biggest preparation for this year will be the setting up of a profound live-act. Also here it is very important to us to use outboard- gear and analogue equipment.
6. What are your future plans?
No big one so far. Continuing exploring interesting sounds and once a while getting a chance to play a neat live act.
Und der Mix:
Sander Bekeschus - Keep It Deep Guest Mix by keep-it-deep
Mehr im Web:
Sander Bekeschus @ MySpace
Sander Bekeschus @ Soundcloud
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