Violent 1969 polizieschi, uncharacteristically set in Chicago during prohibition. Franco Mannata (Jeffrey Hunter) arrives in Chicago from Italy to join his racketeer brother Salvatore. Together they plan to overthrow the gangster boss, Al Messina, who is in prison but still running his illicit affairs through his second in command, Nick O'Connor. Franco's sister, Rossella (Gogó Rojo) also has a racket of her own - a beauty salon which is a cover for private rendez-vous between the wives of Chicago's leading men and their lovers. Photographs are taken of the intimacies and blackmail is the result. Through one of his victims, a high-ranking Police official, Franco gets one of his men into Messina's cell and has him murdered.
It seems that both Franco and Salvatore are now set to run gangland - but O'Connor has both Salvatore and Rossella brutally murdered. Franco now liquidates O'Connor and his gang in a gun battle - but one of them manages to escape. A year later, returning to their car after a visit to the graves of his brother and sister, the car explodes killing both Lucia Barrett (Margaret Lee) and Franco.
This was Jeffrey Hunter's last movie. During shooting, he suffered a head injury in a staged on-set explosion gone wrong. This injury ultimately led to a brain hemorrhage two weeks later, leading to his death. In the film, his character also dies from an explosion.
Also known as !Viva America! - The True Story of Frank Mannata - Cry Chicago. All images from Continental Film Review.
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