Mediterranean Spelt Salad **~** Mediterraner Getreidesalat
once in a while i try to add new cereals and ingredients into my diet... as a child growing up in the 70's my mom introduced us to organic and very healthy food... among that was a fabulous barley salad - i loved it... the other day i found a bag of green speal or unripe spelt in the health food store and threw it into my basket thinking to try to make that salad or something similar... I went to my desk and switched on my computer and found this yummy recipe by David look... he made it from wheat berries - but i am sure he is fine with my substitute... Its a lovely salad that i will make a gain soon to take to work... this would be great to a BBQ or as a meal itself with a bit of bread... Here is what i did..
Spelt and Roasted Vegetable Salad
von David Lebovitz
1 1/2 cup (300 g) wheat berries or farro
1 bay leaf
2 pounds (1kg) assorted root vegetables; carrots, parsnip, red beet, bell peppers, peeled and cut into thumbnail-sized cubes
1 large red onion, peeled and diced
1/3 cup (80 ml) plus 2 tablespoons olive oil
5 branches of fresh thyme
salt and freshly-ground black pepper
1 juice of tangerine
8 black olives
a bit crushed feta
a bit fresh basil and parsley
Preheat the oven to 425ºF (220ºC).
1. Bring about 2 quarts (2l) of well-salted water to a boil, then add the wheat berries and bay leaf. Cook until tender, but still chewy. Depending on the variety, they'll take between 40-60 minutes to cook.
2. While the wheat berries are cooking, toss the diced vegetables on a baking sheet with the onion and 2 tablespoons of olive oil and thyme, seasoning with salt and pepper.
3. Roast the vegetables in the bottom third of the oven, stirring once midway during baking, for 20 minutes, or until cooked through and browned on the outside.
4. Once the wheat berries are cooked, drain them well, plucking out the bay leaf. Transfer the wheat berries to a bowl and mix in 1/3 cup (80 ml) of olive oil and the dried fruits, stirring well. Taste, seasoning with more salt if necessary.
5. Stir in the root vegetables (I don't mind the thyme branches in there, but you can remove them if you want) and do a final check for seasoning and add more salt, a few grinds of black pepper, and additional olive oil, if desired. You might want a splash of acid, like some vinegar in there, or check some of the additions below.
Serve warm or at room temperature.
Storage: Can be made up to three days in advance, and refrigerated. Let come to room temperature before serving.
Here are some possible additions to add to the finished salad:
Toasted and coarsely chopped pecans, hazelnuts, or walnuts
Diced dried apricots in place of the cranberries or cherries
Cubes of feta or bleu cheese strewn over the top
A big squeeze of fresh lemon or tangerine juice, or some zest
Sautéed mushrooms tossed in with the root vegetables
Wilted greens, cooked with garlic, coarsely chopped
A generous handful of spicy arugula or flat-leaf parsley, coarsely chopped
als Kind hat meine Mutter immer einen super leckeren cremigen Weizensalat gemacht... Neulich hatte ich richtig Lust darauf... da ich aber Weizen und die cremige Sauce nicht mehr so gut vertrage habe ich nach eine Alternative geschaut und bin bei David Lebovitz fündig geworden... Ich habe es allerdings abgeändert und dieser leckere Salat ist dabei heraus gekommen... Den werde ich sicherlich bald wieder machen
Viel Spaß damit
Grünkern und gerösteter Gemüse Salat
von David Lebovitz
300g Grünkern
1 Lorbeerblatt
1 Kilo Gemüse : ich habe Karotten, Pastinaken, Rote Beete und Paprika verwendet, winzig klein geschnitten
1 rote Zwiebel feingehackt
80 ml Olivenöl
5 Thymianzweige
Salz & Pfeffer
Saft 1 Clementine
8 schwarze Oliven
etwas Feta zerkrümelt
etwas Petersilie und Basilikum feingehackt
2 Liter salziges Wasser mit dem Lorbeerblatt zum kochen. Gar kochen bis die Körner weich aber bissfest sind. Ca. 40-60 Min.
Während der Grünkern kocht das Gemüse und die Zwiebeln mit 2 EL Olivenöl und dem Thymian und etwas Salz und Pfeffer im unteren Drittel des Backofen 20 Minuten rösten.
Den Grünkern abgießen und das Lorbeerblatt entfernen und mit 80 ml Olivenöl, Clementinensaft vermischen und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Das Gemüse untermischen und die Oliven, Feta und Kräuter dazugeben. Gut vermischen und etwa 1 Stunde durchziehen lassen. Hält sich im Kühlschrank 3 Tage.
Bei Zimmertemperatur servieren.
Trockenfrüchte hinzufügen ( Cranberries, Kirschen oder Aprikosen) feingehackt
oder geröstete Nüsse, Schimmelkäse, Rucola, Kräuter, Knoblauch oder Limonensaft ...Weizen, Farro oder Dinkel oder andere Getreide
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