Cannoli, (plural) in Sicilian, are Sicilian pastry desserts. The singular is cannolo (or in sicilian language cannolu), meaning “little tube”, with the etymology stemming from the Latin "canna", or reed. Cannoli originated in Sicily and are an essential part of Sicilian cuisine. They are also popular in Italian American cuisine and in America are known as a general Italian pastry, while they are specifically Sicilian in origin (in Italy, they're commonly known as "cannoli siciliani", Sicilian cannoli).

Cannoli consist of tube-shaped shells of fried pastry dough, filled with a sweet, creamy filling usually containing ricotta cheese (or alternatively, but less traditionally, sweetened Mascarpone) blended with some combination of vanilla, chocolate, pistachio, Marsala wine, rosewater or other flavorings. Some chefs add chopped succade or chocolate chips. They range in size from "cannulicchi", no bigger than a finger, to the fist-sized proportions typically found in Piana degli Albanesi, south of Palermo, Sicily. Sometimes cannoli can be found with the shells dipped in chocolate, in addition to being stuffed with filling.

Originating in the Palermo area, cannoli were historically prepared as a treat during Carnevale season, possibly as a fertility symbol; one legend assigns their origin to the harem of Caltanissetta. The dessert eventually became a year-round staple throughout what is now Italy. As with Sicilian cassata, Sicilian cannoli probably date back to the time of Arab domination. Cannoli are sometimes called cannolis, however this is not the correct term. Cannolo is the correct terminology for a single pastry and cannoli is the name given to two or more pastries.

Italian-American variants
The versions with which Americans are most familiar tend to involve variations on the original concept. This is possibly due to adaptations made by Italians who emigrated to the U.S. in the 1900s and discovered limited availability of certain ingredients. The cannoli sold in Italian-American bakeries today usually still contain ricotta, but mascarpone is a less common alternative. Sometimes the filling is a simple custard of sugar, milk, and cornstarch. In either case, the cream is often flavored with vanilla or orange flower water and a light amount of cinnamon. Chopped pistachios, semi-sweet chocolate bits, and candied citrus peel or cherries are often still included, dotting the open ends of the pastry. Green sprinkles are sometimes used as a garnish for cannoli in the United States.
Cannoli In Movies
Cannoli are mentioned in a famous line from the film The Godfather by Peter Clemenza, whose wife asked him to bring home a few. A planned murder takes place during the outing, and while Clemenza and Rocco Lampone are preparing to depart the scene, he instructs: "Leave the gun. Take the cannoli."
In Gilmore Girls (episode "It Should've Been Lorelai"), Lorelai Gilmore suggests sitting at the back table so that no one can "whack you with a cannoli."
This line is parodied in an episode of Shadow Raiders. But in the Shadow Raiders universe, Cannoli are large grub-like creatures, which apparently serve the same function for the residents of Planet Bone.
Another parody of the line is found in a "Tony Pajamas" sketch on The Amanda Show, in which Tony's pal Paulie (Josh Peck) is hit by an egg and Tony (Drake Bell) instructs his bodyguards to "Leave Paulie. Take the cannoli."
Another parody was in the TV show Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations in the New Jersey episode, in which, after ordering a dozen cannoli from a local Italian pastry shop, Mario Batali, Anthony Bourdain, and a pastry chef are driving to another restaurant and Batali stops by the side of the road ostensibly to urinate while the pastry chef assassinates Bourdain. The episode ends with Bourdain slumped over the steering wheel of his car while Batali says "leave the gun, take the cannoli."
This line is also discussed by Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) and Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) in the romantic comedy You've Got Mail as a response to what one learns from The Godfather.
In The Godfather Part III Connie (Talia Shire) kills Don Altobello (Eli Wallach) with a poisoned cannolo.
In Death Wish V: The Face of Death, Charles Bronson uses a cannoli laced with poison to kill a mobster who helped murder his fiancee.
In the HBO series The Sopranos, the main character, Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), shows a regular taste for cannoli, occasionally making the dessert part of the plot.
Frank Barone (Peter Boyle) of Everybody Loves Raymond is regularly accused by his family of eating up all the cannoli made by his wife Marie.
In the movie Demolition Man the life of main character John Spartan (played by Sylvester Stallone) is saved during a car wreck by a fictional foam-like substance which rapidly fills the car's passenger compartment. He says a minute later, "All of a sudden, this car turned into a cannoli."
Ben & Jerry's Ice cream offered "Holy Cannoli" flavor ice cream. The description was "Creamy Ricotta & Pistachio Ice Cream with Chocolate Covered Cannolis & Roasted Pistachios". It has since been retired, but does reappear every so often when B&J's brings back retired flavors for limited runs.
The Häagen Dazs Ice Cream Company had a new flavor contest in 2006 with Cannoli as one of the finalists. It eventually lost to Sticky Toffee Pudding.
In Curious George, George solves a mystery and is rewarded with cannoli.
In Gilmore Girls (episode "It Should've Been Lorelai"), Lorelai Gilmore suggests sitting at the back table so that no one can "whack you with a cannoli."
This line is parodied in an episode of Shadow Raiders. But in the Shadow Raiders universe, Cannoli are large grub-like creatures, which apparently serve the same function for the residents of Planet Bone.
Another parody of the line is found in a "Tony Pajamas" sketch on The Amanda Show, in which Tony's pal Paulie (Josh Peck) is hit by an egg and Tony (Drake Bell) instructs his bodyguards to "Leave Paulie. Take the cannoli."
Another parody was in the TV show Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations in the New Jersey episode, in which, after ordering a dozen cannoli from a local Italian pastry shop, Mario Batali, Anthony Bourdain, and a pastry chef are driving to another restaurant and Batali stops by the side of the road ostensibly to urinate while the pastry chef assassinates Bourdain. The episode ends with Bourdain slumped over the steering wheel of his car while Batali says "leave the gun, take the cannoli."
This line is also discussed by Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) and Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) in the romantic comedy You've Got Mail as a response to what one learns from The Godfather.
In The Godfather Part III Connie (Talia Shire) kills Don Altobello (Eli Wallach) with a poisoned cannolo.
In Death Wish V: The Face of Death, Charles Bronson uses a cannoli laced with poison to kill a mobster who helped murder his fiancee.
In the HBO series The Sopranos, the main character, Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), shows a regular taste for cannoli, occasionally making the dessert part of the plot.
Frank Barone (Peter Boyle) of Everybody Loves Raymond is regularly accused by his family of eating up all the cannoli made by his wife Marie.
In the movie Demolition Man the life of main character John Spartan (played by Sylvester Stallone) is saved during a car wreck by a fictional foam-like substance which rapidly fills the car's passenger compartment. He says a minute later, "All of a sudden, this car turned into a cannoli."
Ben & Jerry's Ice cream offered "Holy Cannoli" flavor ice cream. The description was "Creamy Ricotta & Pistachio Ice Cream with Chocolate Covered Cannolis & Roasted Pistachios". It has since been retired, but does reappear every so often when B&J's brings back retired flavors for limited runs.
The Häagen Dazs Ice Cream Company had a new flavor contest in 2006 with Cannoli as one of the finalists. It eventually lost to Sticky Toffee Pudding.
In Curious George, George solves a mystery and is rewarded with cannoli.
On an episode of the TV show Just Shoot Me (season 6, episode 2) Elliot (Enrico Colantoni) forbids his boss, Jack (George Segal), from eating his cannoli.
In The Departed, Billy (Leonardo Di Caprio) sarcastically asks the mobsters at a grocery store fight scene whether they are selling cannolis or something.
i was craving Cannoli so badly after watching Everybody loves Raymond on DVD the other day - i jumped up and finally tried to make that crispy heavenly dish myself... i was lucky and found just the version i wanted on the german recipe board i am involved with and here you go.. as a filling i whipped up some orange-gigner cream and sprinkled some pistachio on them.
I haven got those rolle that you see in the picture above - thanks to my blogging and recipeboard friend Eline i was still able to make it by rolling tin foil tightly and make a roll to wrap the dough around! Thanks Eline!
My version doesn't looks as nice and perfect but i guess with practise i will get there...
Enjoy Alissa
Chocolate Cannoli
150 g flour
15 g cocoa
30 g butter
1 egg
25g sugar
1/2 cup marsala
FOR SHELLS: Combine flour, cocoa and sugar in a medium bowl. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in beaten egg. Gradually stir in wine, mixing well. Shape dough into a ball, cover and refrigerate 60 minutes. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and roll to 1/16" thickness.
Cut into 3 1/2" circles, and roll circles into 5" ovals. Place a cannoli form, lengthwise, down the center of each oval and roll dough around form. Moisten seam with water to seal. Pour oil to a depth of 3" into a Dutch oven and heat to 350 degrees. Fry cannoli shells one minutes. Drain on paper towels and cool about 5 seconds. Remove the form and cool cannoli shells completely.
aus Wikipedia,
Cannoli Siciliani mit kandierten Früchten. Cannolo ist der Name eines gefüllten Gebäcks aus Sizilien. Es besteht aus einer frittierten Teigrolle mit einer süßen cremigen Füllung aus Ricotta, die zusätzlich Vanille, Kakao, Schokoladenstückchen oder kandierte Früchte enthalten kann.
Cannoli waren ursprünglich eines von verschiedenen Schmalzgebäcken, die in der Fastnachtszeit gegessen wurden, werden jetzt aber das ganze Jahr über hergestellt. Sie werden heute überall in Italien von größeren Bäckereien und Restaurants angeboten.
Das italienische Wort cannolo heißt wörtlich übersetzt „kleines Rohr“ und bezieht sich nicht auf das Teigstück, sondern auf das Rohr, um das die Teigstücke zum Frittieren traditionell gewickelt werden, in der Regel zugeschnittene Bambusrohre von etwa 15 cm Länge.
ich habe noch nie Cannoli selber gemacht und hatte auch leider keine Rollen, dafür habe ich Elines Tip mit der gedrehten Alufolie verwendet - Danke dafür!
Das Ergebnis ist meilenweit entfernt von dem wie ich es gerne hätte aber fürs erstem Mal hat es die Gelüste befriedigt ;-)).
Ich hatte soooo Heißhunger auf dieses knusprige Gebäck bekommen als ich meine amerikanische Lieblingserie auf DVD sah - so das ich sofort ins Chefkoch gesprungen bin und mir ein Rezept rausgesucht habe .
Für die Füllung habe ich heute meine eigenen Variante ausgedacht und eine Orangen-Ingwer Sahne verwendet und etwas Pistazien....
Viel Vergnügen damit!!
Schokoladen Cannoli
Rezept von Cettina Chefkoch
150 g Mehl
15 g Kakao
30 g Butter
1 Ei
25g Zucker
1/2 Glas Marsala
Aus den ersten 6 Zutaten einen Teig kneten. Den Teig in Folie einwickeln und 1 Stunde bei Zimmertemperatur ruhen lassen. Nach der Ruhezeit den Teig dünn ausrollen. Am besten geht dies mit einer Nudelmaschine. Nun werden 10 x 10 cm kleine Vierecke aus den Nudelplatten geschnitten. Diese werden auf Bambusstücken oder Blechrollen (Cannoliformen), die 10 cm lang und einen Durchmesser von 2,0 bis 2,5 cm haben, aufgerollt. Dazu legt man den Bambus diagonal auf die Nudelvierecke, nun das obere und untere Eck über die Rolle legen und zusammen drücken. In heißem Öl ausbacken und anschließend auf Küchenkrepp abtropfen lassen.
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