Pajon - Korean Pancakes


i am getting into the korean food preparing fever... after having Kim Bap i had to try another typical korean national dish and snack food number 1... It is confusingly also called korean pizza - they only have a slight resemblance but what the heck - they are wonderful and served many ways either vegetarian and with vegetables of the season or with seafood. I like the scallions one very much and in South Korea itself i loved the squid version too... me and my friends would eat that from street vendors and tiny booths at the beach... i wasn't scared very much of anything i tell you i ate ingredients in Korea i had no clue of and it didn't harm me much -lol As oyu can see i really enjoyed my food there and also cherish the time i spend there very much. The people had been so overly kind to me and in all the families i lived and companies i worked i learnd so much about their culture and way of life. I am especially grateful for the chance to try so many different dishes and people tought me how to prepare it... Well here are the pancakes. They taste very nice made as written in the recipe but if you don't have rice flour on hand you can make it with regular flour aswell!

PAJON - Korean Pizza /Pancakes

Serves 3
3/4 Cups (75g) all-purpose flour
3/4 cup (75g) rice flour
1 cup water
1 large egg
1 tsp sesame oil
3 tbsp vegetable oil
6 scallions, quatered legthways, each length cut into 3 inch strips
1/2 red bell pepper cut in strips
1/2 yellow bell pepper cut into strips

Vinegar Dipping Sauce (see below)

Stir together the flours and salt. Stir in the egg, then slowly pour in 1 cup water, stirring to make smooth batter. Stir in the sesame oil and leave the batter for 30 min.
Heat 1 tbsp vegetable oil in a skillet over medium -low heat. Sprinkle one third of the scallions and peppers evenly over the bottom, then pour over one third of the batter. Cover and cook for 5 min. Turn the pancake, cover again and cook 3 min more. Remove the lid and cook for 2 min more. Transfer to a warm plate and repeat. Cut pancakes into 2 inch squares and serve hot with dipping Sauce.
Dipping Sauce
7 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 inch freshly grated ginger
2 tsp crushed toasted sesame seeds
about 1/2 tsp korean chili powder
a pinch of sugar
mix and serve

Pajon - Koreanische Pfannenkuchen

Anstatt Frühlingszwiebeln und Paprika kann man jedes erdenkliche Gemüse verwenden. In Korea werden auch gerne Shrimps und Tintenfisch beigefügt.
Für 3-4 Personen

75 g Weizenmehl (ich verwende Dinkelmehl)
75 g Reismehl (aus dem Asiashop)
225 ml Wasser
1 großes Ei
1 TL Sesamöl
3 EL Pflanzenöl
6 Frühlingszwiebeln, längsgeviertelt und der Länge nach in 7 cm lange Stück geschnitten
1/2 gelbe Paprika in Streifen schneiden
1/2 rote Paprika in Streifen schneiden
Essigdip (siehe unten)

Beide Mehlsorten mit dem Salz mischen. Das Ei und 225 ml Wasser langsam darunterrühren. Alles zu einem glatten Teig verrühren. Das Sesamöl unterrühren und den Teig 30 Min ruhen lassen.
1 EL Pflanzenöl in einer beschichteten Pfanne (Durchmesser 20 cm) schwach erhitzen. Ein Drittel der Frühlingszwiebeln und Paprika gleichmäßig in der Pfanne verteilen und ein Drittel des Teigs darübergeben. Die Pfanne abdecken und den Pfannenkuchen 5 Min backen. Ihn anschließend wenden, abdecken und weitere 3 Min backen. Ohne Deckel weitere 2 Min backen.
Die Pfannenkuchen in 5 cm große guadratische Stück Schneiden (werden mit Stäbchen gegessen) und heiß mit Essig Dip servieren.

Guten Appetit!


7 EL Sojasauce
2 EL Reisessig
1 cm frischen Ingwer gerieben
2 TL geröstete zerstoßene Sesamsamen
1/2 TL koreanisches Chilipulver
1 Prise Zucker

vermischen und servieren

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