The Indonesian people surprised by the news(berita kasus penganiayaan of Cici Paramida).The dangdut singer, Cici Paramida persecuted her husband Suhaebi, after found Suhaebi with another woman in the summit area. Following chronological The accident.
Saturday June 13, Suhaebi that went to town to Cici Paramida, working on business. However, as a wife, Cici have another feeling.
He departs with his family to the area of Puncak, West Java. Correct course, Cici found her husband with another woman in the car in the area Cibogo, Bogor, West Java, Sunday June 14 at 19:50 WIB.
Cici is directly down from the car and ransack her car.Ebi, Suhaebi also call out and bicker with Cici Paramida. Not apologize, Ebi even hit the right cheek to Cici hematoma and encouraged to asphalt to the forehead and hands hurt.
Not accept treated roughly, at 21.00 pm, Cici Paramida reported her husband,Suhaebi that married in March 12 ,2009 in Mecca to the police station Bogor. Then at 22.00 Cici a vise in the hospital and provide information to the police office at 16.00 WIB.
Furthermore, after review Cici Suhaebi undergo any examination of the morning at 04.00 WIB. Until this news was revealed, Ebi still undergoing review.
The News of persecution Cici Paramida remind our memories about Manohara.Manohara also tormented by her husband,Fachri.This is the story..
Manohara Odelia Pinot show through the injury as a result of a number of photos, stored on the phone to the journalist in Hotman Paris office in the building Summitmas 1, floor 18, Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (8 / 6) night. 'Foto luka sayatan manohara' was outspread in internet.
"This is a new wound that Mano feel lighter because the rest is open to all and Mano are not comfortable with that," said maohara, on the injured-shaped slice of sharp zig-zag around the chest.
Mano respond to speech, the power law Hotman Paris menandaskan away, "is very chilling. That is just the most light. I just spent almost see the tears so the wound," he said.
Meanwhile, the forensic expert doctor Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, Abdul Mun'im Idries explain her visum results showed that Manohara has two degree-level violence, a violence that is left with serious injuries secondary level.
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