New Zealand Pinot Noir # 5

Te Kairanga Pinot Noir Runholder 2004 Martinborough,New Zeeland

Tight,full sweet fruit aromas, dark cherries...delicious mouthful of
soft fruit, spices and soft tannins...
fuller style..not as elegant as the Isabel..
a little more jammy..but reined in and has
the potential to age for 5 years.
Very enjoyable.
Points 16.5

Well..that's 5 of the 6 from my mixed case of New Zeeland Pinot Noir...the simple bottle of Sunshine Bay left I will taste at a later date..I want to retire on a high note!
To summarise...some you win..some you don't..two bottles were was a badly stored bottle..the Isabel was lovely..and the
Te 8 Euros less..probably the better value..but what the heck....the Isabel wins!

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