A top Burgundy in the glass does more for me
than images of Britney Spears or Amy Winehouse (mind you..a glass of house wine at the local Pizzeria would do that as well).
Over the last few years my 'turn-on' has been German Pinot...sexy and still more affordable than Burgundy... I suppose living in Germany helps...some of the prices I have seen for them abroad have been on a par with the French...can't understand that..same distance!
Always looking for new exotic experiences (still talking wine here)..I purchased the 6 pack of New Zeeland wines...here is number 2..
Lindis River Pinot Noir 2004
Central Otago, New Zeeland
Cedar I thought..but it developed a reserved, elegant, light raspberry but dry aroma..NOT SEXY...
Ok..it can develope...let's check the palate..pretty much the same...medium weight..fruit was a little velvety..but...NOT SEXY....not sure where the winemakers want this to go..if they say leave it a few years..well..it is over three years old now and..ugly ducklings don't turn into pretty swans just like that..it's a good glass..of wine...not a SEXY one..of Pinot.
Help....4 more bottles to go.....
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