New Zealand Pinot Noir # 4

Bump! Bump! Bump!

Back to earth with a bump...although this may have been badly stored somewhere..has that feel and we go...

Felton Road, Pinot Noir 2002
Central Otago, New Zeeland

What did I expect..well..a soft, riper wine than the previous ones...some cherries maybe...probably at it's peak..with a touch of age..a serious contender for wine of the 6.
What I got was..burnt, meaty Pinot attractive sweetness..just a dry winey smell..on the palate..about the same..some tannins..and the acidity was left on it's own..cos there is no fruit..a little medicinal...a one-off bad bottle? can only hope so.

Points 13.5

Best part of the evening were the duck liver and mushrooms....

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