Transparent Military

Hu Ming, Tranparent Military, 2007

Margaret Bourke-White, Portrait of Hungary's War Minister Gen. Eugen Ratz wearing most of his 19 medals he won during WWI, 1938

 Alexei Pakhomov, Bathing of Red Army Sailors Plummeting from a Ship, 1933


 Hilary Harkness, Iowa Class, 2003

 Ralph Crane, Shoes For War Dogs For Military Affairs, 1950s

 Andrew Wyeth, The German, 1975

 Vlad Artazov

 Mark Tansey, Triumph of the New York School, 1984
The right side features such NY art figures as Clement Greenberg, Pollack, Rothko, etc., in army uniforms around army vehicles. On the left side, Andre Breton’s back is turned to us (he is signing the treaty of surrender), Picasso is the one in the fur coat, while Duchamp stands rather aloofly, hands in pockets.


 Yue Minjun, Armed Forces, 2005

 PLA air force pilots salute during a training session for China's 60th anniversary military parade at a military base in Beijing, China.

 Muratov Damir, From the "Pioneers-Samurai" Series, 2005

 Margaret Bourke-White, Moscow 1941
Russian kindergarten boys clad in miniature caps w. red stars, aiming toy rifles, barricaded behind classroom furniture, while playing war game.

 Markus Lüpertz, Helmet-dithyrambic, c. 1970

 Boris Mikhailov, Army Girl, Ukraine, 2000

 Valery Yershov, Forest, 2008

 The Good Guys 

 Xiaoze Xie, February 6, 2003. L.T. (The Pretext), 2008
Colin L. Powell addressing the United Nations Security Council on Feb. 5, 2003, holding up a bottle of fake yellowcake uranium.

 Margaret Bourke-White, Nazi Storm Troopers' training class, 1938

 Gottfried Helnwein, Adoration of the Magi 2, 2005

 The Bible in the US woodland camouflage pattern, first introduced in 1989 (no joke).

 Alexander Tinei, Uncle R, 2009

 Clovis Trouille, Bikini

 Aleksander Rodchenko, On the balloon. Maneuvers of the Red army, 1924

 Paula Rego, The Interrogator's Garden, 2000

 Léon Gimpel, Autochrome, 1917

 Julio Larraz, Critical Moment, 1995

 BRL Nuclear Weapon Effects Computer (ca. 1960)
The Nuclear Weapons Effects Computer No. 1 was manufactured by Blundell Rules Limited of Weymouth England.Its purpose is to predict a variety of consequences of a nuclear explosion. The magnitude of the burst is specified (in kilotons or megatons) and the calculator estimates, for various distances from ground zero, the damage to buildings, the crater dimensions, the percent of the population killed, trapped, and seriously injured.

 Salvador Dali, The Warrior, 1982

 Martin Miller, USS Lewis and Clark Ballistic Missile Submarine, 1965

 Paolo Ventura, War Souvenir, 2006

 Complexity via
General McChrystal: “When we understand that slide, we’ll have won the war.”

 Blue Noses Group, An Epoch of Clemency, 2005

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