Becker Boom Boom Lemberger

Seeger Lemberger 'R' 2007
Baden, Germany

The property is in Leimen, near Heidelberg..and the main claim to fame of the town is that Boris Becker was born here....which gives me the chance to tell my favourite Becker 'story'.
Boris got married recently and he was searching for a house in London. He has found one... 1 Dining Room, 2 Bedrooms...and 20 Broom Cupboards!
OK..back to business....Leimen is also north Baden.......Württemberg is in view..if you know what I mean. The grape Lemberger has it's German home's brother is also 'a la maison' in Austria going by the name of Blaufrankisch.
Now..Seeger interests me..the recent Cuvée Anna had I decided to buy his Blauer Spärburgunder 'R' 2007...and it sits in my cellar..waiting for it's master. On the merchant's list was today's I was tempted. Now...what I like about the grape is when it is lighter in a medium Bordeaux.....the impression here is that it is a little spends 18 months in oak..hence getting an 'R' for it's loss of light over that is slightly gritty..which is fine for me..cigar-like smell..again fine by berry fruit..just maybe a touch too plump..and it ain't cheap at € 30,--. So...I'll cross the 'border' next time I get that Lemberger craving.
Points 16.25

Wachau Awakening

Veyder-Malberg Grüner Veltliner
Loibenberg 2008

Wachau, Austria
Peter Malberg was cellermaster at the Graf Herdegg property. 2008 they went their separate ways and he bought a few acres in Spitz, Wachau. Riesling and Grüner Veltliner...and he is the first grower with a 'hands-on' approach. No machinery in sight....Loibenberg with 40 year old vines to work with....

The first impression is of a clear style...the bouquet gives out a light delicate aroma...needs working on..trace of cream...on to the palate..and it is quite complex...if you want a Smaragd bomb..then this is not for in between...and this is still a little reserved..and left me wanting a touch more...but time may give it more polish.

Points 16

Fast Forward - Frame & Beam

Bevor im Hause Pöche die Schlösser für längere Zeit veriegelt werden, konnten am ff9-Projekt Achse und Rahmen noch vereint werden. Weiter geht es dann im nächsten Jahr!

Pork Chops with Fennel & Caper Sauce / Schweinefleisch in Fenchel & Karpern Sauce

i just finished the extremly funny book called "too much tuscan sun, confessions of a Chianti tour guide" by Dario Castagno. If you like Bill Bryson you will enjoy this very much!! I am sure one can smirk and recognize one or the other person just from travelling or watching people ore oneself - lol.. It made me go and make a nice light italien dish... Enjoy

"Unlike Under the Tuscan Sun and the flood of cookbooks touting the delights of the Tuscan table, this endearing, lightweight memoir was written by a native of the area. The author recounts the history and character of Chianti—the famous wine region at Tuscany's geographic and cultural heart—and shares his most unforgettable experiences working as a Chianti tour guide for more than 12 years. Raised in Britain, Castagno began exploring Chianti's countryside as a teenager and fell in love with its dilapidated farmhouses, abandoned in Italy's post-WWII period of industrialization; for him, their stone walls, terracotta roofs and chestnut beams formed "well nigh irresistible" windows into Tuscany's romantic past. As a guide, he shared these journeys with his clients, most of them Americans, including T.T., an overly curious businessman for whom a winery visit "was like taking a child to a chocolate factory"; and an Alabama couple who, sweetly, tried to set Castagno up with their daughter. The farmhouses were also the site of Castagno's startling encounter with a couple of teenage artists and subsequent discovery about Tonio, a local, 94-year-old love machine. Castagno delivers his life story in simple, honest, heartfelt terms, though, unfortunately for readers, there are few true surprises or insights. It's brain candy to be enjoyed with a bottle of red.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. "
This dish is very light and clean, with no thickeners or cream to mute the flavor.. recipe with the courtesy of Giada de Laurentiis - its is fabulous... i loved it soo much. Its so perfectly rounded and so light... You could serve this wiht Pasta, fresh italian bread or crusty potato wedges... some baked polenta or rice.
I am sure will enjoy this meal just as much as my whole family did!

Pork Chops a la Giada

1/3 cup olive oil (i used ghee)
4 (2 inch thick) boneless pork chops (about 2 pounds together)
Kosher salt
freshly ground pepper
2 small fennel bulbs, stalks and fronds removed, thinly sliced crosswise (about 2 cups)
2 large shallots, thinly sliced
2/3 cup dry white wine
2/3 cup chopped fresh flat parsley leaves
1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes with juice
1/2 lemon zested
2 tbsp drained capers

Heat olive oil in a large, heavy skillet over high heat. Season pork chops with salt and pepper and bvrown for about 2-4 min each side. Remove from pan cover loosely with tin foil and set aside.
Add the fennel, shallots and 1/3 cup of the chopped parsley to the same skillet and cook over medium heat until fennel is beginning to brown, about 5 min. Add the wine. Suing wodden spoon, scrape the brown bits off the bottom of the pan. Stir in the tomatoes, then return teh pork to the pan, nesting the chops among the fennel and tomatoes so they are mostly submerged in the pan juices. Cook until the fennel is tender and the pok done that will take about 12-25 min.
Transfer the pork to a serving dish. To finish the sauce, add the lemon zest, the remaining parsley, the capers, and 3/4 tsp each of salt and pepper. Stir to combine. Spoon over pork and serve immediatly.


ich lese gerade ein lustiges Buch "Toskana Forver" von Dario Castagno. Ein italienischer Reiseleiter berichtet über seine Abenteuer mit Amerikanern, Holländern und anderen Touristen die er durchs Chianti führt. Er plaudert über die unglaublich komishcen Situationen in die ihn die Reisegruppen bringen, die Ansprüche, Unwissenheit und vor allem über oppulente toskanische Gerichte in ausgewählten typischen Lokalen und ausschweifende Weinproben, über Kulturunterschiede und verschiedenen Wahrnehmungen... es ist sehr amüsant und leicht zu lesen.. ich glaube wir alle kennen den einen oder anderen Reisegast in Italien im romantischen Chianti... wir entdecken uns eventuell selber oder bekommen wie ich einfach Lust ein simples köstliches italienisches Mahl zu bereiten.... Ich kann dieses Buch nur empfehlen... Ich bin mir sicher das ihr daran Freude habt... oder schenkt es einem Toskana Liebhaber...

Nun zu dem köstlichen leichten und simplen Gericht das ich von Giada de Laurentiis nachgekocht habe..Es ist so sauber und einfach in der Zubereitung... ich liebe diese einfachen Gerichte die ohne Sahne, Bindemittel oder ähnlichem auskommen - die vertrage ich am besten... Ich habe bewusst Kapernäpfel genommen damit derjenige der sie nicht mag einfachere rausnehmen kann...Guten Appetit Alissa

Schweinekotlett mit Fenchel & Karpern Sauce

1/2 Tasse Olivenöl (ich habe Ghee verwendet)
4 dicke, knochenlose Kotletts
frisch gemahlenen Pfeffer
2 kleine Fenchelknollen, Strunk entfernt und dünn geschnitten
2 große Schalotten fein geschnitten
1 Bund glatte Petersilie fein gehackt
1/2 Tasse trockenen Weißwein
1 große Dose gewürfelte Tomaten im Saft (im Sommer frische Tomaten)
1/2 Zitronenabrieb
2 EL Kapern (ich habe große Karperäpfelchen mit Stil verwendet)

Das Öl oder Fett in einer sehr großen, tiefen und schweren Pfanne bei hoher Tempereatur erhitzen. Die Kotletts mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und auf jeder Seite 2-4 Min anbraten. Dann rausnehmen und lose mit Alufolie bedecken und zur Seite stellen.
Den Fenchel, Schalotten und 1/3 der Petersilie in die selbe Pfanne geben und bei mittlerer Hitze anbraten bis der Fenchel leicht angebräunt ist. Mit Weißwein ablöschen und mit einem Holzlöffel die Krute am Pfannenboden lösen. Nun die Tomaten mit Saft hinzufügen und die Kotletts wieder in die Pfanne geben und mit Saft und Fenchel bedecken. Ca 12-15 Min schmoren lassen.
Die Kotletts auf einen Teller geben. Um die Sauce abzuschmecken nun die Zitronenzesten oder Abrieb hinzufügen sowie die restliche Petersilie und die Kapern. Kurz köcheln lassen 1-2 Min und dann mit Slaz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Über die Kotletts geben udn heiß servieren.
Als Beilage eignet sich Brot, Polenta oder Pasta man könnte auch geröstete Kartoffelspalten dazu essen...

World Class Pinot Noir

An Englishman, A Frenchman, an American and a Mexican are on a small plane. The pilot shouts over the intercom...'We are losing height..we need a volunteer to jump off the plane'. The Englishman stands up and shouts 'God Save The Queen'..and jumps out. Ten minutes later..the pilot again saying it hadn't helped. The Frenchman stands up..shouts 'Vive La France'..and springs from the plane. Fifteen minutes later...another call from the pilot..the American gets up..shouts 'Remember The Alamo'..and throws the Mexican out.

A similar mix was on offer at our local Bistro....I took along wines from the U.S.A, New Zealand, France and Germany. My guess is..the first three would have thrown the German out....if only to shine more than they did. Volker, Robert and Axel were given the information...4 Countries, 2 Vintages..points were awarded..10 for country..5 for the vintage..and a bonus 5 if both were correct. From 80 points Robert had helped catching a glimpse of the screwtop New Zealander..I must be more careful next time. He is a wine merchant and shouldn't get any help.

Ata Rangi Pinot Noir 2007
Martinborough, New Zealand
Deep, dark berry aroma...concentrated..a wildness to it...smoky, truffles...quite is firm..but with subtle attractiveness now...very good

Friedrich Becker Spätburgunder Schweigener
Sankt Paul Grosses Gewächs trocken 2007
Pfalz, Germany
Long 'legs' in the glass....gorgeous elegant aroma...silky & sexy....believe me...impossible to get much more in a I have mentioned before..the vineyard is in France..and this would need a very good Chambolle-Musigny as spends some time in new oak barrels...smoky bacon smell...compact..perfectly balanced..the fruit just layers the tongue...the best Sankt Paul yet?....need to compare it side-by-side with the 2006...
Points 18.25

Thibault Liger-Belair Nuits St Georges La Charmotte 2005
Burgundy, France
At first suffered a lot following Becker..but developed it's own appeal with airing...quite meaty..and very French..juicy, earthy...some tannins still...dry smoke..needs a year or two
Points 17

Au Bon Climat Pinot Noir,
Bien Nacido 2005
Historic Vineyards Collection
California, U.S.A.
A terroir wine..Amaretto...marzipan...spices of the orient...thick but subtle tannins... and although drinkable..will benefit from 5 years in your cellar.
Points 17.5

All but the Becker wine I have tried before..and all scored a fraction more...the problem for them here was..the Becker just overawed us all. World class Pinot.

Family Potato Salad - Kartoffelsalt mit Familienbanden

Potato Salad History

Potatoes (a new world food) were introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 16th century. By the end of the century many countries had adopted this new vegetable and integrated it into their cuisines. Preparation methods and recipes were developed according to local culinary traditions. About potato history.

Arnold Shircliffe, executive chef of Chicago's legendary Edgewater Beach Hotel, traced the origin of the potato salad to the 16th century. These are his notes:

"Early potato salad: John Gerrard in 1597 writes about potatoes and their virtues and said that "they are sometimes boiled and sopped in wine, by others boiled with prunes, and likewise others dress them (after roasting them in the ashes) in oil, vinegar and salt, every man according to his own taste. However they be dressed, they comfort, nourish and strengthen the body." This is one of the first potato salads mentioned in any book."

Potato salad-type recipes were introduced to America by European settlers, who again adapted traditional foods to local ingredients. This accounts for regional potato salad variations in the United States. Potato salad, as we know it today, became popular in the second half of the 19th century. Cold potato salads evolved from British and French recipes. Warm potato salads followed the German preference for hot vinegar and bacon dressings served over vegetables.

Print evidence confirms recipes for potato salads were often included in 19th century American cooking texts. These recipes had many different names. The Cassells Dictionary of Cookery [London:1875?] contains three recipes for potato salad, one without notes [presumably British or American], a French recipe and a German recipe.The French recipe is very similar to the first and is also served cold. The German recipe required bacon. Early cold potato salad recipes often called for "French dressing" (Our notes on French dressing here ). Some recipes specifically indicate this is an economy dish, "a good way to dispose of leftover potatoes." During the 1940s mayonnaise began to supplant French dressing as the congealer of choice. It is interesting to note that during both World Wars recipes for German-style potato salad did not bear that country's moniker. They were simply listed as "hot potato salad."

This is is what the food writers have to say:

"Potato salad. A cold or hot side dish made with potatoes, mayonnaise, and seasonings. It became very popular in the second half of the nineteenth century and is a staple of both home and food-store kitchens. Hot potato salad, usually made with bacon, onion, and vinegar dressing, was associated with German immigrants and therefore often called "German potato salad."

---Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink, John F. Mariani [Lebhar-Friedman:New York] 1999 (p. 253)
There seems to be no dogma concerning the origins of potato salad, but Germany is a good place to begin. As a country with lots of potatoes and lots of recipes for potatoes, Germany almost certainly was among the first to look at cooked small new potatoes or cut chunks of larger spuds and imagine them blanketed with dressing. The dressing they came up with was a classic. Kin to the heated dressing used to wilt spinach salad, this one thrilled German taste buds, raised as they were on sauerkraut and sauerbraten with vinegar bite. Some versions featured a little coarse mustard, others cut the sour with a little sugar, and most added bacon and even its flavorful drippings. By the time the notion of potato salad reached France, vinegar wasn't quite good enough. The French demanded full-scale vinaigrette, and it was no sweat to satisfy their demands. Whenever you see something called "French potato salad," it's a safe bet you're in for potatoes (and probably other vegetables, too) in a light vinaigrette, with Dijon mustard and sweet tarragon.

When potato salad caught on in the United States, in the second half of the 19th century, it was probably by way of German immigrants. To this day, most people who know how to cook, or at least know how to eat, understand that "German potato salad" will be served warm, will feature no mayonnaise, and will be pleasantly tart with vinegar.The American idea of making potato salad with mayonnaise has no recorded history - but then again, neither does the idea of mayonnaise itself. Clearly a sauce created in France using egg yolks, oil and either lemon juice or vinegar, little is clear after that. Virtually every French bible of cuisine explains the name differently, ranging from a link to "Magon," the Carthaginian general who helped his brother Hannibal battle the Romans," to a possible misspelling of "Bayonnaise," hailing from the town of Bayonne in France - and later, less romantically, New Jersey.

However it got the name, mayonnaise became the favored dressing for American potato salad for more "There seems to be no dogma concerning the origins of potato salad, but Germany is a good place to begin. As a country with lots of potatoes and lots of recipes for potatoes, Germany almost certainly was among the first to look at cooked small new potatoes or cut chunks of larger spuds and imagine them blanketed with dressing. The dressing they came up with was a classic. Kin to the heated dressing used to wilt spinach salad, this one thrilled German taste buds, raised as they were on sauerkraut and sauerbraten with vinegar bite. Some versions featured a little coarse mustard, others cut the sour with a little sugar, and most added bacon and even its flavorful drippings. By the time the notion of potato salad reached France, vinegar wasn't quite good enough. The French demanded full-scale vinaigrette, and it was no sweat to satisfy their demands. Whenever you see something called "French potato salad," it's a safe bet you're in for potatoes (and probably other vegetables, too) in a light vinaigrette, with Dijon mustard and sweet tarragon.

When potato salad caught on in the United States, in the second half of the 19th century, it was probably by way of German immigrants. To this day, most people who know how to cook, or at least know how to eat, understand that "German potato salad" will be served warm, will feature no mayonnaise, and will be pleasantly tart with vinegar.The American idea of making potato salad with mayonnaise has no recorded history - but then again, neither does the idea of mayonnaise itself. Clearly a sauce created in France using egg yolks, oil and either lemon juice or vinegar, little is clear after that. Virtually every French bible of cuisine explains the name differently, ranging from a link to "Magon," the Carthaginian general who helped his brother Hannibal battle the Romans," to a possible misspelling of "Bayonnaise," hailing from the town of Bayonne in France - and later, less romantically, New Jersey. However it got the name, mayonnaise became the favored dressing for American potato salad for more than a century. Its sweet, creamy mouthfeel served up just the right delight when wrapped around solid, dependable American potatoes."

---"A world of potato salads; Labor Day tradition gets global makeover," John DeMers, The Houston Chronicle, August 29, 2001 (Food: p. 1)

"Despite its popularity in this country, potato salad is not an all-American creation. Potato salad is said to be of Teutonic origin, prepared when boiled potatoes were tossed with oil, vinegar and seasonings, a dish known now as German potato salad. The French, Norwegians, Swedes, Russians and Italians all have their own versions. Germans make a marvelous warm potato salad to which they add tiny bits of fresh tomato and red and green bell peppers, then toss the whole concoction with a warm bacon and onion dressing. The Greeks also prefer warm potato salad, with garlic, olive oil and lemon. Italian potato salad is apt to have ample amounts of fresh parsley, often chunks of salami and is dressed with an olive oil and vinegar dressing. American potato salad is heavier and heartier than European versions. Some people like lots of additions such as onion, sweet pickles, celery, hard-cooked eggs, pimento, chives, olives and parsley."

This is one of our familys potato salads. We have two versions one with mayonnaise and this one... as i stay away from mayonnaise i have made this on request for my cousins party tonight.
There are a million German Potato Salad recipes and they are only slightly different from one another.. here is the family recipe that my mom uses and i guess my grandma too... Most north americans only know a warm or hot german potato salad for some reason  - yes we do eat it that way but most germans enjoy there potato concotion at roomtemperature... Maybe you give this recipe a twirl...

Enjoy Alissa

German Potato Salad (warm or cold)

8 medium potatoes
1 cup bacon cut in tiny cubes
1 large onion finely chopped
1 large apple finely cubed
6-8 baby gherkins finely sliced
1 1/2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup beef broth
1/2 tsp celery seeds
1/2 tbsp dijon mustard
freshly ground pepper
1/4 cup cider or rice vinegar
a bunch of chives finely chopped as decoration

Scrub the potatoes and cook them in their jackets till tender but not overcooked. Peel them and cut them in slices.
Cook the bacon cubes in a skillet on medium heat, stirr occasionally, until tender. Stir in onions, apples, celery seed, sugar, salt and pepper cook over low heat. Add vinegar and beef broth- Remove from heat and let cool down.
Put potaotslices in a big bowl and add the broth mix. Now you mix the salad carefully and add the gherkins and Mustard. Mix wel without smashing the potatoes. Let sit over night in the fridge. Before servinge bring to room temperature and taste to liking.

heute ein triviales aber dennoch leckeres Rezept aus dem Familienrezeptheft.Kartoffelsalat war für  mich immer ein Vorfreude und  "besonderes" Essen weil das gab es an Heiligabend mit  Frankfurtern, an Geburstagsfesten oder Grillparties und als kleines Kind war das eine Besonderheit. Heute machen wir Ihn imme rnoch nicht so häufig aber wenn es ihn gibt schlagen wir alle beherzt zu...
Ich glaube jede europäische aber auch amerikanische Familie hat Ihr eigenes natürlich bestes Kartoffelsalat Rezept. Meine koreanische Gastmutter hatte eine Variante mit viel Obst und Wurst und diese hatte sie dann in einen Sandwich gepackt und das war dann unter anderem in meiner riesigen Lucnhbox... asiatische Lunchboxen sind ein TRAUM  - der Geschmack des Salates war am Anfang sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig für mich vorallem da sehr fettig mit Hellmanns Mayo - Sie war aber so stolz darauf und wollte mir eine Freude machen weil für sie war Kartoffelsalat der Inbegriff westlichen Essens. Am Ende mochte ich in ziemlich gerne und neulich dachte ich noch... was hat sie da alles reingepackt.. sollte ich nohcmals probieren. Wenn ich das Rezept finde werde ich es bloggen - rein aus nostalgischen Gründen.

Der Hauptstreitpunkt  des Kartoffelsalates ist wohl immer noch darf er mit oder ohne Mayonnaise zubereitet werden? Was sagt Ihr dazu??

Ich habe zwei Familienrezepte eines aus Kanada und das andere aus Deutschland. Hier heute meine Variante - Laktosefrei und Eifrei. Es ist dem meiner Mutter sehr nahe und meine Schwester verwendet ein ähnliches Rezept.

Eine weitere sehr  leckere frische Variante ist mit feingeschnittenem Endiviensalat (ohne Cornichons und Äpfeln) - den habe ich im Badischen öfters gegessen und geliebt.

Meinen Salat habe ich gestern Abend für meine Cousine vorbereitet. Dort wird heute Geburtstag gefeiert und da sie schon diverse moderne und mediterrane Salate bekommt habe ich mich dafür entschieden.


8 mittlere Salatkartoffeln, gekocht und in feine Scheiben geschnitten
1 Tasse Speckwürfel
1 Apfel gewürfelt
1 große Zwiebel fein gewürfelt
6 Cornichons in feine Scheiben geschnitten
500 ml Rinderkraftbrühe
1/2 Teelöffel Selleriesamen
1 EL Zucker
1/4 Tasse Apfelessig oder Reisessig
1 EL Tafelsenf
Salz und frisch gemahlener Pfeffer
etwas Schnittlauch als Deko

Salatkartoffeln, schrubben und in reichlich Salzwasser gar kochen. Die Kartoffeln pellen, in Scheiben schneiden und in eine große Salatschüssel geben und mit der warmen Fleischbrühe oder Gemüsebrühe übergiessen und zur Seite stellen.
In einem kleinen Topf den Speck anbraten und die gebratenen Speckwürfel rausnehmen, Den Topf bitte nicht spülen - den brauchen wir noch! Auf einem Küchenkrepp abtropfen. Den Speck zu den Kartoffeln geben. In dem Topf in dem Speckfett die Zwiebeln anbraten, die  Äpfel hinzufügen, den Essig, Zucker und alle Gewürze. etwas einköcheln und ebenfalls zu dem Kartoffelsalat geben. Vorsichtig unterheben, den Senf hinzufügen sowie die Gürkchen und mischen ohne die Kartoffelscheiben zu beschädigen. Den Salat über Nacht im Kühlschrank durchziehen lassen. Vor dem Servieren auf zimmertemperatur bringen, abschmecken und mit Schnittlauch bestreuen.

Recipe Challenge TOH- Pumpkin Bread - Announcement

Dear Friends

this is going ot be fun - who would like to be part in the Taste of Home Recipe Challenge that we put together!

This is for everybody... Looking forward to see your reviews

Shannon was so kind to pull this off and start the whole show!

A few of us have put our heads together and thought it would be fun to have a regular recipe challenge on the Recipes forum. Easy to follow instructions and plenty of time to play at it!

Have fun

Here the link to the TOH site - please visit: Recipe Challenge - Pumpkin bread

I will give a basic recipe for a specific dish.

1. Take that recipe and try it once.

2. Change the recipe in some obvious way...add a sauce or topping, substitute ingredients, cook in a different format or assemble the final dish differently (ie - change it from an entree to an appetizer. Make it low fat, make it vegetarian, add butter do whatever you want to make it suit your tastes!

3. Write a review here on this thread of the original and your re-make.

It's that simple! Take 3 weeks to make your changes and get ready to post. I'll make sure the thread is bumped back up to the top on a specific date so that all can see it and add their reviews. Even if only a handful participate it will be fun, but I'm hoping everyone will get into the spirit of it and have a hoot with it!

Couple of things to remember -

1. If you already know you don't like or are allergic to a key ingredient, (for example if the first recipe was Pecan Pie and you don't like or cannot eat Pecans) go ahead and make the substitute and just write a review for your remake.

2. At the end of each challenge you will have several different recipes to add to your "Must Try" list!

3. The more who participate, the more fun this will be!! Wahoo! And this isn't a contest for the's sharing the fun!

4. Don't be intimidated! This thread is designed to benefit everyone so even if your change is tiny, it could end up being a brilliant brainstorm for another recipe! And if you mess up...who cares! It's all about having fun and interacting with one another on this board!!

OK Ready? Get Set! Go!

Have fun everyone!!


First Recipe - Pumpkin Bread

Trial Time - 3 Weeks

Please post your reviews by November 19th (just in time for the Holidays!)

Pumpkin Bread

1-2/3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
2 eggs
1 cup canned pumpkin
1/2 cup canola oil
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup raisins, optional

In a large small bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking soda cinnamon, salt, baking powder, nutmeg and cloves. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs, pumpkin, oil, and water. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in walnuts and raisins if desired.

Pour into a greased 9-in. x 5-in. loaf pan. Bake at 350° for 65-70 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in pan for 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack. Yield: 1 loaf (16 slices).

Nutrition Facts: 1 serving (1 slice) equals 219 calories, 10 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 27 mg cholesterol, 211 mg sodium, 31 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 3 g protein.

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Steht ein Männlein im Walde....

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Kleine 'Friends'-Reunion bei 'Cougar Town'

Es ist zwar keine offizielle Friends-Reunion, aber es ist besser als nichts: Lisa Kudrow, die Phoebe gespielt hat, wird als Gaststar bei Cougar Town, der neuen Serie ihrer Friends-Kollegin Courtney Cox (Monica), auftreten.

Sie wird eine Dermatologin spielen, die Jules, meinen Charakter in der Serie, behandelt. Ich kann einfach nicht aufhören zu ihr zu gehen, obwohl sie ziemlich gemein zu mir ist
, sagte Cox zu

Die Cox-Kudrow-Wiedervereinigung wird nächstes Monat gefilmt und soll im Jänner 2010 in der USA zu sehen sein.

Kleine 'Friends'-Reunion bei 'Cougar Town'

Es ist zwar keine offizielle Friends-Reunion, aber es ist besser als nichts: Lisa Kudrow, die Phoebe gespielt hat, wird als Gaststar bei Cougar Town, der neuen Serie ihrer Friends-Kollegin Courtney Cox (Monica), auftreten.

Sie wird eine Dermatologin spielen, die Jules, meinen Charakter in der Serie, behandelt. Ich kann einfach nicht aufhören zu ihr zu gehen, obwohl sie ziemlich gemein zu mir ist
, sagte Cox zu

Die Cox-Kudrow-Wiedervereinigung wird nächstes Monat gefilmt und soll im Jänner 2010 in der USA zu sehen sein.

Video mesum pelajar SMAN 6 Kediri

Video mesum pelajar SMAN 6 Kediri - Video bokep yang melibatkan pelajar kembali beredar. Video yang dibuat oleh pelajar SMAN 6 Kediri ini telah mebuat heboh warga kediri terutama dikalangan pelajar.

Kalangan pelajar di daerah itu dihebohkan dengan beredarnya video porno dengan pemeran utama diduga siswi SMAN Kertosono, yang lebih dikenal dengan Smaker. Adapun bintang pria adalah pacarnya, alumni sebuah SMA di Kertosono.

Video ini berduarasi 26 menit 15 detik. Dalam adegan video mesum itu si laki-laki dan siperempuan melakukan banyak macam gaya layaknya adegan dalam fim-film biru. Video mesum ini membuat berang Kepala dinas Pendidikan Kediri hingga melahirkan SK Kepala Dinas Pendidikan soal larangan membawa ponsel di sekolah.

Pristiwa ini kembali mengajak kita berpikir begitu pentingkan Informasi teknologi bagi kita?
Segala sesuatnya memang mempunyai dua sisi yakni positif dan negatif. Disinilah kita perlu lebih dapat mengedalikan diri dalam menyikapi dan menerima IT dalam kehidupan kita.

Ironisnya kebanyakan pelaku video mesum ini adalah pelajar, hal ini juga sangat perlu mendapat perhatian yang sangat serius dari pemerintah melalui dinas pendidikan dan menkoinfokom untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat tentang bagaimana meggunakan IT secara bijaksana.

Princess - Cash & K.


Julia Perez's not his name if he did not spit sensuality! Approximately uttered so many people today. Action showing off its beauty body often showed when he was filling the show.
As happened recently at a night club in the number of Surabaya. Damian Perez's ex-wife was waddle on stage accompanied by the din of music progresiv. Artist owner of this sexy breasts looked so enjoy the music that was stomping disco in town visitors these heroes. It's predictable, dozens of visitors who were attending a private party at the club, hypnotized by the swaying wild woman Jupe is familiarly called.

Infotainment media team also managed to obtain several pieces of pictures jupe hot hot while dancing on the stage. There is a picture quite challenging, as a lover Gaston Castano is currently holding the bottle, and sipped it with a face that looks drunk. In addition there were several other photos of successful challenge we got from a reliable informant infotainment media team.

"It think it was the photos taken at the disco in Surabaya. If no one at Hugo's Café. Plasticity Jupe really late at night in a party. "Clearly, a guest speaker who is a photographer.


Julia Perez was sexy and full of sensation, not only in every role in the film as sexy as a ghost in "HANTU JAMU GENDONG" released earlier in January, but also in any action outside the entertainment world.

As seen in some photos that recently circulated on the Internet mailing list, Belah Duren tembang owner is looking sexy and relaxed with some friends as well as posing alone.

There are five photographs, which seemed to photograph Julia's personal collection. This is seen from the photograph Jupe when wearing a blue shirt with white short cardigan.

Julia Perez in the photo looks to take pictures with the camera itself can be a pocket or phone. Jupe looked so sexy with visible cleavage and thighs look a little bit at the bottom of the image.

While the photos with the same clothes, looking at the photo shoot farther, but still visible Jupe take pictures himself with his right hand.

In another photo, Jupe seemed more at ease wearing a sarong beach with a man and a woman, was on vacation.

In the fourth photo, this wife of Damien Perez photographs with the same man in the previous picture that looks much younger age than Jupe.

In the final image, such as middle Jupe in the bridal fashion shoot, seen from a wedding dress and a man who was the dress worn by arranging artist who was born with the name of this Yuli Rachmawati.

T2a again

Im T2a hat Holm den Belag im Fahrgastraum eingeklebt. Der 25 Jahre alte Belag befand sich noch auf dem Speicher. Paßt doch eigentlich ganz gut dazu?!

'Dexter': Early Cuts

In einer animierten Webserie erfahren wir mehr über die Vergangenheit von Dexter Morgan. In 4 Kapiteln die aus 12 Webisoden bestehen, die erste wurde gestern online gestellt, erfahren wir wie Dexter seine Tötungsroutinen perfektionierte. Die Episoden zu der Serie, die Dexter: Early Cuts getauft wurde, sind ein bis zwei Minuten lang und können auf angesehen werden.

Gezeichnet wurde die Serie von Kyle Baker, Ty Templeton und Andres Vera Martinez.
Michael C. Hall, der den Dexter spielt, leiht auch in den Wepisoden seinem Charakter die Stimme.

Hier der Link zur ersten Folge.

Und noch ein paar Screenshots und ein Teaser-Poster:

Update: Making Of Video

'Dexter': Early Cuts

In einer animierten Webserie erfahren wir mehr über die Vergangenheit von Dexter Morgan. In 4 Kapiteln die aus 12 Webisoden bestehen, die erste wurde gestern online gestellt, erfahren wir wie Dexter seine Tötungsroutinen perfektionierte. Die Episoden zu der Serie, die Dexter: Early Cuts getauft wurde, sind ein bis zwei Minuten lang und können auf angesehen werden.

Gezeichnet wurde die Serie von Kyle Baker, Ty Templeton und Andres Vera Martinez.
Michael C. Hall, der den Dexter spielt, leiht auch in den Wepisoden seinem Charakter die Stimme.

Hier der Link zur ersten Folge.

Und noch ein paar Screenshots und ein Teaser-Poster:

Update: Making Of Video



Here you can find profiles Andi Soraya, a new girlfriend pictures Andi Soraya Andi Soraya intimate photos with his new BRONDONG, all of Andi Soraya.
Andi Soraya has a new girlfriend. Yes this time a new girlfriend Andi Soraya, a young man, aka BRONDONG, who was younger than she. Andi Soraya, who was born in Jakarta, dated June 18, 1976 admitted that he had tried to open your heart to an older man but still anchored in BRONDONG heart again. Andi Soraya's new boyfriend who knows the name of Ferly Son also admits closeness with Andi Soraya. And the photos above are pictures of Andi Soraya intimate with her new boyfriend named Ferly Putra.
Andi Soraya started his career in the entertainment world as a model and began to crawl through the world of soap opera acting Air Mata Terakhir ever aired in RCTI. Brenda was married to Ahmad Kurnia authority. But their marriage ended in divorce in November 2001. Andi asked for a divorce because her husband was not like Brenda career in the entertainment world. From his first marriage, Brenda has one son, Shawn Adrian Khilafat. After the divorce, Brenda relationships with soap opera player Steve Emmanuel, now renamed after Joseph's faith became converts. They were living together without marriage bond to produce a son, Darren Sterling Emmanuel. Andi Soraya who had clashed with this Perssik Goddess pedangdut refused to marry because it was still traumatized by a previous marriage. Andi has now parted with Steve, aka Yusuf Andi Soraya Iman and start a new relationship with Ferly Son, a newcomer in the entertain.

Profile of Andi Soraya
Andi Soraya was born in Jakarta, June 18, 1976(33 years old) is a female artist Indonesia.
Andi Soraya started his career in the entertainment world as a model and began to crawl through the world of soap operas Sénia role Last Tear ever aired in RCTI. Also bloody artist-Bugis Cirebon is also known as a star of several ad products such as: Prenagen, B-29, Vegeta, Bank Mandiri and Hit. In 2008, Andi reaching the big screen by starring in an adult comedy, Anda Puas Saya Loyo (2008). In August 2008, Brenda returned to the big screen by starring in a movie with suspense mystery genre, "Hantu Aborsi".

Brenda was married to Ahmad Kurnia authority. But their marriage ended in divorce in November 2001. Andi asked for a divorce because her husband was not like Brenda career in the entertainment world. From his first marriage, Brenda has one son, Shawn Adrian Khulafa. After the divorce, Brenda relationships with soap opera player Steve Emmanuel. They were living together without marriage bond to produce a son, Darren Sterling Emmanuel. Andi refused to marry because it was still traumatized by a previous marriage.

Andi had to deal with the law, because the associated charged with throwing a glass at the wife of a businessman, Wanto Vishnu. On October 9, 2008, Andi criminal sentenced for 3 months. Andi who had clashed with this artist Dewi Persik, again at odds with other Indonesian artists. This time Brenda odds with the model and soap opera player, Catherine Wilson. Events that occurred in February 2009 brought even to the report to the police.