Trends in northern artist's boyfriend was rampant at the moment. After Julia Perez, Andi Soraya, Nana Mirdad, artists often look sexy Five V had become one of the perpetrators.
Five V currently going through severe fire romance with Psenner Markus, was born in Italy. Five V were admitted relationship with the man nicknamed Marco has gone on for six months.
Why Five V turned his attention to male albino? Was he traumatized after repeatedly failing affair with a man from Indonesia?
"Bule more fair. If you fall in love with great sincerity," he said when met hotels F1, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday (7/10/2009).
Five V were expressed Marco is an appropriate figure for her. Though already 41 years old, Marco is very funny and very romantic.
"He never gave me a happy day for my birthday right. I'm invited to watch opera," he explained.

Profile Five Vi Rahmawati
Five Vi Rahmawati known as soap opera actress and advertising model star. Acting Bilqis Emelisqi'mother of this event can be found in KOMEDI BETAWI series, which aired in TransTV.
Five Vi itself is the former wife of a man from Malang, Iwan Setya Budiman, who officially divorced in 2006. Five Vi sued her husband for divorce, after often have a number of acts of violence from her husband.
Five Vi and her ex-husband, and involved a protracted dispute about custody of their children by more Vi live and in the care of his father. To resolve the case, the Five Vi also involve NGOs participated Children, National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) as a place to complain feud.
The court finally won the Five Vi over the custody of their children. However, the problem does not mean complete, because the former husband appealed and bilqis still in her father's arms.
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