i have been thinking about my Mother's days menue the past week and finally have everything together... it is going to be a 4 course meal... can't say anything yet as my mom could be reading this ;-)... anyway one part of the menue are madeleine. For some reason i keep stumbeling over savory and sweet Madeleine recipes - so i thought this should tell me to make some and i got myself a new toy - a silicon madelein pan from Lurch.
When the silicon bakingware first entered Germany, i think that must have been 8 years ago, i got introduced to them on the Ambiente Fair in Frankfurt when i was working as an distributor for an Italian kitchen and bathroom accessories company. Our booth builder told me his wife was a representitive for silicon bakeware and he gave me a sample of bundt pan... i tried it and tossed it .. as it burned and got black marks and the cake didn't work out at all... I think 5 years later a friend of mine gave me silicone miniature bread pans - didn't want to be ungrateful i triedthem with lemon cakes - worked like a charm - loved them!!
Then my sweet friend Lisa from California - she really spoiles me with wonderful gadgets, american delicatessen and spices etc.. plus hand knitted pieces.... Well she gave me individual silicon muffin liners - terrific... I was completly convinced... For these tiny items i love silicone ware. I freeze stuff in them or use them for baking but if it comes to big cakes and such i still use my metal pans.
My Madeleine pan arrived today - i order most of my stuff online - working fulltime doesn't always give me the time to go shopping for stuff like this... I am always excited if i get new items and have to try them straight away... i whipped up a batch and baked them... works real well so now i am ready for Mother's Day.. I promis i will tell you excatly what i will cook and make pics.... Cross fingers that everything works well.
BTW does this sound familiar? If you cook something unplanned and for yourself, you have just read about this recipe or you flipped through a food magazine read a blog... hmmm drooling dreaming of this dish you get the ingredients or have everything at home. You fasten the apron and off you go... relaxed, listening to great music, you humm along, dance through the kitchen and easily get the dish done almost to perfection... You think this was a piece of cake... easy cheesy - i have to serve this next time i have guests. You are completly at easy buy everything you just glance at the recipe, no sweat ...people are arriving - am i ready yet?? yes everything cool ... why worry all worked like a charm first time around - what should go wrong.... then you turn around damm did i put the egg in that batter...or the cake sinks the moment you get it out of the oven, it doesn't get out of the pan and half the cake sticks in it or breaks... no problem frosting wil cover this up... a good host knows how to handle this crisis...lol.. Or the roast is still raw or well done, the salat a teeny weeny bit on tart side, the wine has cork... whatever could have gone wrong today was bound to happen.. lol... Not always of course and not everything or everytime - but its murphy's law- if it happens you will have a house filled with guests... Now the trick is to stay calm and pretend nothing is wrong... That was planned ...crackers these days are served the charcoal way;-)
There is this kitchen magnet... "This is not Marthas House..." That is true but I truely believe we all have that Martha in us... just not every single day...Remember she has a crew!!
So keep cooking and stirring it is worth it! I think a very good way to express love is through cooking - nothing gets people closer together or reunites them as through good food made with positive thoughts and love!!
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