BULGOGI - Fried Beef
this was my very first korean meal i had - it was served to my by my first hostmother after my arrival in Seaoul and i loved it very very much and thought if we eat soemthing like this every day i am in heven... well my eyes were opend beef is or was very very expensive in Seoul back in 1992 and it was because of my arrival and being a special guest that this was served. My host mother was an excellent cook and she made many other dishes when she had time with all the volonteer work she did and tending towards her 2 grown up kids - but you are a baby till you leave the house in korea back then and especially in a family with a bit of money and both kids studying at university. The appartment kitchen was sooo small but for korean standards it was a luxury kitchen. I only stayed 4 weeks in that wonderful family then i had to move on to the south of Korea, Ulsan, to teach english at YMCA. I had two families down there first a sinlge women that shared her teeny weeny appartment with me and later a family that owned a incredible fish restaurant - Ulsan is right by the sea at the border to Japan. She was so busy in her restaurant that she rarely cooked at home. But when i returend to Seoul later i was a very lucky girl and lived with a very rich and unbeleivably friendly family - they treated me sooo nice and that family loved their food and that is the palce where i learn all my korean cooking. More about them and recipes at a different time. Alissa
"Bulgogi is one of Korea's most popular beef dishes. It is made from thinly sliced sirloin or another prime cut of beef. The meat is marinated with a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper, garlic, onions, ginger, wine and sugar. It is marinated for two to four hours to enhance the flavor and its tenderization.
Bulgogi is traditionally grilled, but broiling or pan-cooking is common as well. Whole cloves of garlic, sliced onions, and chopped green peppers are often grilled or cooked at the same time. It is often served to non-Koreans as a first taste of Korean cuisine.
This dish is usually served with a side of lettuce, spinach, or other leafy vegetable, which is used to wrap a slice of cooked meat, often times along with a dab of ssamjang, kimchi, or other side dishes, and then eaten as a whole."
Bulgogi is traditionally grilled, but broiling or pan-cooking is common as well. Whole cloves of garlic, sliced onions, and chopped green peppers are often grilled or cooked at the same time. It is often served to non-Koreans as a first taste of Korean cuisine.
This dish is usually served with a side of lettuce, spinach, or other leafy vegetable, which is used to wrap a slice of cooked meat, often times along with a dab of ssamjang, kimchi, or other side dishes, and then eaten as a whole."
1 pound thinly sliced steak
5 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup soy sauce
2 buds finely chopped garlic (can also be crushed, and crushed buds removed before serving)
1/4 tsp salt
5 tbsp Mirin (sweet sake, optional)
a bit grounded fresh ginger
2 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1 cup split green onions
2 cups thinly sliced carrots (optional)
2 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1 cup split green onions
2 cups thinly sliced carrots (optional)
Cooking Directions
Mix all ingredients except carrots. Marinate in refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Cook over medium high heat until meat is just short of desired completion.
Add carrots and cook for an additional 3 minutes.
Serve with rice.
Bulgogi - Koreanisches Rindfleisch
1 kg Rindfleisch, bestes, fein geschnitten in mundgerechte Stücke
5 EL Sojasauce
5 EL Zucker
5 EL Mirin
5 EL Sesamöl, reines
2 EL Knoblauch, fein gehackt oder Paste
2 EL Frühlingszwiebel(n), in feine Ringe geschnitten
1 EL Sesam, zerstoßen oder Sesampulver
Pfeffer, frisch gemahlener schwarzer
Zum Verarbeiten muss das Fleisch Zimmertemperatur haben. Alle anderen Zutaten zu einer Marinade mixen, mit dem Fleisch gut vermischen und alles mindestens 1 Stunde ziehen lassen.
Schmeckt am besten über einem Grill gebraten oder aus dem Ofen. Auf den Grill legen und rasch unter Wenden grillen oder das Fleisch auf ein Blech legen, ca. 2 Minuten übergrillen und dann wenden und weiter kurz grillen.
Dazu schmecken viele leckere koreanische Beilagensalate und Reis.
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